
Fun pets to own at home?

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I'm looking to find some fun and interesting pets to own.

Can't be a cat or a dog. So tell me all the choices you guys can come up with.

10 Points to the winner!




  1. chinchilla... very loving animal and pet lives about 15 years

  2. Get a chameleon or some sort of lizard like that.

    I have one and it is so fun when they climb on you.

    And when they change their colours, it's pretty wicked. =]

  3. I always wanted a ferret, though i heard they stink. But they seem like loads of fun

    How about a Guinea Pig, they are cute.  I have hermit crabs, rather boring lol.

  4. get a parrot get a baby and learn to wean it and get it from the egg shell and then you will have your hands full but they are so neat there are so many quaker parrot is the one to get it will be like your baby and they are so interesting and they will learn to talk and they interact with you and you need only have one cause that is enough to take care of and get big cage and stuff plenty of water and get it stuff to eat they can eat crackers with out salt and so many things they like to eat abit of egg and toast and stuff.

  5. A rabbit! They are super cute, and cudly! You can train them to walk on a leash, and use a litter box. You can Leave them in the backyard, and have them eat grass, or feed them ffriuts and veggies. They are fun to own, and develop weird personalities!


  7. i would say get a rat because theyre really intergetic and stuff and super fun

  8. well i really like conures  

  9. Hamsters are really fun and you can design cool cages for them with tubes and everything. Rabbits are great too but are alot more responsability then people think they need to be spayed/neuteured/vaccinated/nails trimmed/ sometimes teeth filed. They need an indoor cage for bad weather, an outdoor one for good weather and a huge enclosure that they can run around in like crazy. That's what my rabbits have and they are happy and healthy.

  10. I own 4 of these..

    I also own one of these.. infact this is her!

  11. My bearded dragon has been a blast.

    But I also really liked my guinea pigs when I had them.

    And I've had a hedge hog and he was interesting.

    I had a shark once to but I wouldn't say he was exciting.

  12. I have a parakeet named Smurf and hes pretty awesome!!!!! But you have to be really gentle with them!!!!!! Chincillas sound pretty cool as well as Snakes!!!!!!

  13. Guinea pigs are the best! I want one sooo bad!!

  14. I had a rat named ratfinks who was so loveable and smart, I could teach her tricks and she loves attention from people. Rats do not smell (as long as you clean her cage) and they love to be held. I used to have a guinea pig but she had trouble learning not to pee on carpets, people, etc.. Rats do not pee on you or bite you. They are very social animals.

    *sniff, miss my Finkers. :(

  15. i would get 2 guinea pigs! guinea pigs are super social (after they get used to), very easy to maintain (just need their cage changed once a week & daily refilling of food+water), can do supercool tricks!! mine will turn in a circle after you say her name. really soft & easy to handle (they'll sit on your lap & just sit there...whereas hamsters run around & don't really like being handled)

    the only downside with guinea pigs is that they need their nails to be trimmed once a month (which you could easily do, it's just scary at first) & they do need quite alot of room to romp around b/c they like to run around =)

    but other than that, they live for 5-8 years & are really low maintenance.  if you decide to get one, you should get 2 because

    they'll get lonely. :)

    good luck choosing a critterr! all animals are awesomeee :DD

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