
Fun question!!!!!!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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When are you due and do you know what you're having?




  1. I am due March 7,2009 with my second and I still don't know what I am having. I have a 3 yr old son so I'm hoping for a girl.


  2. Due on October 12th with a boy :D

  3. Due December 16th, with me and my hubbys first... A GIRL :)

  4. 14 November 2008, day after daddys 18th. And its a boy. We might name him Daniel Jayden. So he will be DJ like his father.

  5. March 10

    and this one is going to be a surprise  

  6. im due march 9th 2009... i have a boy who is 20 months old.. and i still dont know what i am having.. i might find out next month.. but my gut feeling is a girl..  

  7. I'm not pregnant but I felt like answering, :D

  8. Baby BOY due Dec 26....

  9. im due dec. 10th, havin a boy! we already have a little girl and so we are thrilled!

  10. March 6th.

    Not for 6 to 8 more weeks.

  11. i'm almost 7 months pregnant.. my son is due on nov 27-dec2 but they think he might cme in mid october

  12. I'm 30 weeks and due November 2nd

    We're having a girl :)

  13. im due march 8th so far i go for my first ultra sound next tuesday im debatting wheather or not i will find out what i am having! congrats too all

  14. I am due around 7th February and I want my little bundle of Joy to be a ''Suprize''... I just thinks its more exciting and this is also my first! :)

  15. im due december 17th and im having a baby boy

  16. October 14th, being induced October 1st.  Its a boy and baby number three!!

  17. 12/19/08 - I'm having a baby boy!

  18. Well based on my last period, I'm due April 6, but I'll find out for sure Tuesday! I can't wait!

  19. I'm due on October 5 and I'm having twin girls!

  20. 33days!!!

    sept 26th and I'm having a boy :D

  21. March 16th; won't know until October 15th (forever away)

  22. I am 32 weeks due on October 16th and have a boy :)

  23. Dec. 10th. I'm having a boy.

  24. January 3rd is when I am due and a girl was the guess at 15 weeks.
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