
Function switches on telephone?

by Guest65271  |  earlier

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On the bottom of my telephone casing there is a function switch which is a three position slider switch, and the positions are marked '100' '270' & '000'.

Does anyone have any idea as to it's function and purpose ??

There is no reference to this swith in the user handbook. The telephone is a Dasan DA-202 headset phone.




  1. It does sound like the flash period adjustment, since 100, 270 and 600mS are standard settings.

    From looking at your other questions, I believe you are in the U.K., in which case you want the shortest 100mS setting for the flash/recall button to work as intended.  A 600mS flash period is MUCH too long for the U.K. network and will almost certainly result in use of the recall button disconnecting the call rather than placing it on hold.

  2. Think you'll find it's 100/270/600. It's for setting the flash ring time in milliseconds. If you have call waiting set it to 600ms.

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