
Fundraiser for Diabetes?

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My dad has diabetes and I thought it would be a cool idea to have a small carnival that I plan and stuff where all the proceeds go to the Diabetes Association. But, I don't know how to start doing this because I've never done this before. Can someone give me an idea of how to start a fundraiser and would it be ok to ask grocery stores or whatever to donate money to get stuff for the carnival? Thanks.




  1. Hiya,

    I, ve just posted a charity question too, it is a hard job to sort out as I'm finding out and mine is organised.First i, ve written a letter to all shops and big companies around where i live telling them a bit about myself and the cause i, m raising funds for.Then i,ve been round to each business and  explained what I'm doing and left them a letter with all contact details on, also get in touch with your local media and get your fundraiser in the paper and radio, these will run your story and take a photo of you and then will have your details of where donations are to be made and if anyone else can help.When you go to your local business, s tell them you will mention them in the media.

    Also try holding a raffle where smaller companies donate a prize for 1st 2ND and 3rd prize IE meal for two, bouquet of flowers a fish supper etc etc.

    Or ask pubs to donate a hall for indoor games and fun at your carnival , things like that.

    I hope i,ve helped a little bit but just to let you know i, m struggling to but when it all comes together all this will be worth it and a really proud dad.

    Good luck and if you need more advise get in touch and i will let you know how i, m getting on and could share ideas with you


  2. how about a different kind of "carnival"? My company puts together fundraising cruises through Carnival Cruise lines-let me know if you're interested! They handle EVERYTHING and will even present the idea to the association, etc.

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