
Future doctor questions... answer PLEASE?

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Ok.. If I major in radiologic science (radiology tech) at a community college will this help me in any way to become a MD radiologist ( I DONT WANT TO BE RAD TECH JUST WANT TO BE MD IN RADIOLOGY)? I know all about the requirements (4 undergrad,4 medschool) and all but will showing an early interest in radiology help to land a radiology residency? How will being a minority affect me in my medical persuit (because Im sure it will in some way believe it or not)?




  1. don't waste your time. the only thing that matters about getting into a radiology residency is your grades and board scores in medical school. focus on getting into a god college, then a good medical school and go from there. being a minority, you might get extra consideration for scholarships, etc, but it won't help you get a residency. there are lots and lots of minorities in medicine. as a white female, i sometimes feel like a minority myself.

  2. Showing an early interest in radiology is all very well, and being a minority may help in getting into medical school, though I tend to agree with the PP that it is not something to count on.  But you will not get a radiology residency without a lot of hard work--it is a very, very competitive residency.  You will need to be at or near the top of your class and do well on the USMLE Steps 1 and 2, as well as getting great recommendations from your clinical rotations.  

    Not doing your undergraduate work at a community college would also be advisable, frankly.  Medical schools do not tend to think highly of pre-requisites done outside of four-year institutions, and I would not advise doing a degree in something you are not interested in just to try and get a leg up on your eventual choice of residency--that will just waste a couple of years that you could be using to work towards med school.  You would be better off just starting pre-med work now, not getting a degree in something you don't intend to use, and perhaps volunteering at a hospital to get some experience.

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