

by  |  earlier

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ok, so i was added to my cousins' group. the question is how do i go to the group and see their profiles, pics, and stuff like that. the farthest i've gotten was the log-in part. well actually i've seen all the people that's in the group and their pics, and profiles and stuff but i can't get back to it??? some one please help:)




  1. You're asking about g-mail on Yahoo!?

  2. The subject of your question is G-mail.  Since G-mail is a Google product I'm wondering if you are talking about a Google group or a Yahoo group.  If it's a Google group, you should be asking your questions on Google or look at their group help files for info.

    If it's a Yahoo group, how did you actually see the people in the group, pics and profiles to begin with?  You must have been logged on or else your brother logged in for you.  Please explain if your brother Added you to his group and you attempted without success to log in to it. It makes a difference if he "Added" you to the group's email list only.
You're reading: G-mAiL????????

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