
Gaining an accent?

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I am planning on living in Australia one day, and I would really like to develope and Aussie accent, how long does it take someone who is not native to gain the accent?

By the way im American.




  1. I'm originally from England and have lost my accent after 7 years of living in Australia.  I think it all depends on what kind of accent you have to begin with.  I didn't have a strong regional English accent at all so it was easier to lose, not that I tried to lose it, it just kind of happened!

    On the other hand, I know English people that have been here for 20+ years and still haven't lost their accents.

  2. you never will

    well not good enough to fool a Aussie

    you have to be born here to have a real one

  3. If it happens, it happens.  If you try you will sound like Meryl Streep "A dingo's got my baiibeee..."  An ongoing joke in Australia.

  4. I dont think you will ever pick up the accent 100% Its hard to do that.. since you already have your American accent.

    I personally think that you have to be raised in Australia to pick up the accent.

    I know people who have been living here for more than 5 years, but they still have their accent..

  5. you could live here for the rest of your life and never get it right,an Australian accent is the hardest to copy   no one ever gets it

  6. Don't bother with the accent, it'll just never be the same as a born and bred aussie's

    Do move here though, we love you yanks

  7. Americans are usually the last immigrants to lose their accent.  This is because it is difficult to escape american culture - even overseas you will be bombarded by american movies, television, music, news, etc - especially in Australia
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