
Game Institute Training?

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I joined recently to do their online training modules and classes. I was curious how others did with their training and how it prepared them for the gaming industry. I am excited to start learning there and look forward to others input on the training. Thanks.




  1. Most jobs in the game industry require a college education these days – and no, “online colleges” don’t really count.  You’re best off going to a regular four year college.  Any program with “game” in the title typically is not highly regarded by those within the game industry.

    If you're interested in programming, you can go to any good 4 year college and get a degree in Computer Science.  For art, you can go to any 4 year college that offers classes in 3D/computer art and animation, or a specialty program like those at the Art Institutes.  For level building, schools like the Art Institutes and Full Sail have good reputations.  Level builders can also benefit from creating their own levels using editors like those that come with Unreal and Neverwinter Nights.

    If you're interested in design, go to any good 4 year college and major in whatever you want.  Just pick a major that you enjoy and that will allow you graduate as quickly as possible.  Along with your major take math up through Calculus 1, and at least two courses in Statistics, two courses in writing, one Computer Science course, and one art course.  Math and writing are the main tools of a designer, and the CS and art courses will help you work with your programmer and artist colleagues later on.  Fill up the rest of your course requirement with a wide liberal arts education -- history, literature, mythology, sociology, psychology, etc, are all useful in game design.

    If at all possible, go to school near a city with a lot of game studios, like Los Angeles, San Francisco, Austin, Seattle, etc.  Most game companies will not pay for relocation for an entry level job, and some won't even interview you if you don't live in the area, so it'll be a lot easier to find a job after college if you already live near several studios.  There's a map here: that lists every game studio by city.  Try to find a college in a city with at least 10 game companies.

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