
Gardening help?

by Guest63044  |  earlier

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so i want to make remodel my room...and i want to plant little plants inside my room during the winter and whats left of the summer...can i do that?can i plant them in my room?and if so what type of simple plants/




  1. If you want to have plants inside during the winter... try bulbs.  Like Hyacinth, Narcissus, amaryllis,  and such...

    You an even grow most bulbs in water and rocks... although I think amaryllis takes soil.  you should be able to find the planting instructions on-line.

  2. If you want to start out with something easy, go to your local garden center (home depot, plant nursery, lows, etc) and ask for a small "Polka Dot" plant. They are very hardy, perfect for indoors, don't need too much attention, and they are so 'purty'! The leaves are green with usually pink dots on them, so they are eye catching and not at all polka dot plant and then hit 'images' at the top and look at some pics of them.

  3. You can grow any plant you want-- you will have to pay more attention to some, less to others. Do you have a south facing room? The more light the better. I have cherry tomatoes all winter long (NW PA) with almost no problem. Any plant, food or ornamental can be winter grown with a little care.

  4. You could try fragrant herbs like basil or oregano. They grow well in pots in a sunny window and smell great :)
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