
Gas prices!?

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Is there somewhere online where you can get coupons or something for gasoline? With the rising costs, I am worried about filling up.




  1. At the very least, look at getting a gas card that pays you back for purchases.  My Shell Mastercard pays me 3% back for all Shell gasoline I buy.  At $3.60 a gallon, that's 11 cents back.  I know it isn't a lot, but every little bit helps.  I'm sure other fuel credit cards are doing the same.  Just make you sure you pay off the balance every month or you'll lose the rebate to interest payments.

    Use or MSN to monitor gasoline prices in your area, so you know where the least expensive gasoline is at.  I haven't seen any coupons out there.  I just heard Dodge is offering a $2.99 guarantee on 700 gallons per year for anyone who buys a new Dodge.  Of course, if prices drop below $2.99, I don't know if your discount drops and you may lose the value.

  2. Yeah, the Black Market.

  3. i'm so sorry to giggle at your question hon but i can't help it.

    if there were gas coupons available the american public would be jumping on them and everyone would know where to go. they are affecting everyone, even those of us who are somewhat comfortable. we are having to cut things out too.

    like another poster said, cut something out. a lot of time, like he said, cable charges waaay too much. you can shop for groceries using coupons though. my mother and i love seeing what kinds of deals we can get all over town for our weekly groceries.

    shop at the dollar store for household cleaning supplies. they have great deals.

    go to the dollar movies ... there are lots of ways to cut down.

    i know it's hard and i'm not looking forward to paying $50 dollars for a tank of gas on my little compact Nissan car, but it's going to happen.

    good luck. set a budget, see where your expenses are going.


  4. i dont think so

  5. Maybe you could cut costs somewhere disconnect your internet & TV and cut the services in your cell phone.  Most people spend more money on those things every month than they do on gas, but I don't hear anyone complaining about AT&T profits.  Funny.
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