
Gasoline engines at college?

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I've already started working on my college degree in automotive but I was wondering is the stuff that I am learning now about gas engines a waste of time? i mean, the government is trying to switch over to other alternative fuel sources as well as electric vehicles and hydrogen engines. I don't want to have a college degree and be totally obsolete with a college degree!




  1. Pure electric vehicles are coming in several years, but are likely to be second cars to a gas vehicle.  Hydrogen vehicles are pipe dreams as far as I am concerned, likely to be commercially viable in 20 to 40 years.

  2. College is an aptitude test.  You will learn more in two months working in the automotive industry than you'll learn in four years pursuing an automotive degree.  Don't worry too hard about the relevancy of what they offer.

    The gasoline powered car isn't going anywhere.  We have plenty of oil to keep their tanks full until you are long dead.

  3. Gas engines will be around for atleast 100 years despite other people's views.

    Think about tank's,humvee's( yeah there desiel but it still uses oil) lawnmowers,cars,CHINA"S CARS, INDIA's CARS

    so go ahed and learn a old art becasue in 100 years noone will know what it is?

  4. It's not a waste of time.  Fewer and fewer people will be using cars with gas engines, but they will still be in widespread use for quite a long time yet.  Even hybrids still use gas engines in addition to electric motors.

    Gas engines will still be used in cars for decades to come, unfortunately.

  5. Of course not! So far the gasoline and diesel engine has beat out even the Hybrid by far. Why, back in the 80's the VW diesel got 50 MPG, and the little Honda MRX? got 57 MPG. Hybrids have not come close to that. The new Diesel and Gasoline engines are much more efficient than those in the 80's.

    The problem hasn't been the technology, it has been the consumer. We could easily be driving cars getting 60MPG plus right now if only the consumer would accept driving small lightweight cars. They would be cheaper and cut our use of oil tremendously. The manufacturers will give us what we demand.

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