
Gemini? Psychic?

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Does being a Gemini have anything to do with people thinking I'm psychic. There are many reasons I believe I am and others do too.

Here's a link to my other question about me being psychic if you want to read the details of why I think I am.;_ylt=AvpNOuRrvKc8zJfmIvsfsbHsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080722104131AASmLhZ




  1. Yes.. My Grandmother is a Gemini and she has been able to predict things and even seen an accident between a gas tanker and a school bus in her dreams.. She woke up in a cold sweat and screaming

    The next morning that accident was on the news

  2. I think you have good intuition.  I'm also a Gemini, and a few years ago I used to mind a younger class at lunchtime.  I had a dream that I saw one of their faces in a golden frame sitting on a red cloth on a table and pitch darkness behind it.  I heard someone say 'who's that?' and I said 'it's a boy I mind'.  The next day he told me it was his birthday.  Freaky.  You may have dreams and just don't realize.  Keep a journal and a pen close to your bed and the first thing when you get up in the morning write everything you can remember about your dreams.

  3. i dont fink thers any link btween gemini n psychic it doesnt mattr wot star sign u r if u belive in psychics den u can b any star sign xx

  4. I, like you, am a Gemini who has had similar experiences, but I don't know if I can chalk them up to my sun sign.  (If anything, I would attribute them to my rising sign, Pisces.)  However, having read your other question about being psychic, I really think you have some ability there and should look into developing it further.  You can call it being psychic, or your intuition, or even your "vibes"--it doesn't matter.  There are a lot of great books on the subject, but one author I especially like is Sonia Choquette.  Her book "Diary of a Psychic" tells how she realized her gifts, and another book of hers "Psychic Pathway" goes into how to develop your abilities, and more importantly, how to deal with skeptics!  It's nice that you've recognized this at a young age, and that you're not afraid of it.  Good luck, sweetie!
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