
Gender scan ? How accurate ?

by Guest56349  |  earlier

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I had a gender scan at 28 weeks after being told in the hospital they think it might be a boy but they couldnt exactly tell cos its legs were in the way. I paid to get a gender scan done and they said it is a boy. I have went out and bought lots of things but main thing is my heart is really set on a boy now. This is my first. Do you think they could be wrong ? I'm scared they are




  1. its unlikely they are wrong then as the further you are the more clear it becomes. remember they check genders most days so they know what they are looking for. there is alays a chance its wrong but it seems pretty sure to  me. good luck.

  2. They know their jobs and do this on a daily basis. I would say they are very accurate.  I paid for a gender scan and they were right and everyone I know who had one they were correct. I'm sure there are a few stories out there when they have got it wrong but like I said they know what they are doing and you will have a boy :) Congratulation x

  3. I know how you feel, I had my 20w and gender scan at 18w, and they told me it's a girl and I couldn't believe it. I never thought I'd have a girl. So I took in a picture of the money shot to my doctor and she immediately said "Looks like a girl!" so now it's a little more real for me. Now I'm almost 27w and still trying to get used to it! The gender scans are really accurate, sure people get them wrong here and there, but that's rare. And boys are a lot easier to pick out than girls! So I'd say if two opinions said boy- you're safe. Congratulations, little boys are so much fun!

  4. If you've had two different scans that both say it's a boy I'd say you're safe. Just keep your receipts just in case. That's what I'm doing - I'm at 26 weeks and I had one ultrasound where they said it was a girl, but I have a few friends who were told they were having one gender and ended up having another, so I'm a little paranoid. Just to be safe I'm keeping my receipts, that way if she does come out a boy I can exchange the pink stuff for blue stuff. I hate to say it, but I will be a little disappointed if she does come out a boy. I was SOO very excited to find out I'm having a girl (this is my first) and I could never think of a good name for a boy, so I'm afraid if she comes out a boy she'll be stuck with a bunch of pink stuff and no name! I think it's normal to worry about this stuff though. Besides, it's ok for a little boy to have a few pink things for the first few months and the other way around. ;o)

    Good luck!  

  5. No, they are usually correct.

  6. The only thing you should have your heart set on is having a healthy baby,they could be wrong but it shouldn't matter, girls can wear blue mixed with pink you know

  7. there is always a possibility that they are wrong, i was supposed to be a boy right up to the day i was born and guess what i am a girl....


  8. If they said it's a boy's a boy :  ) besides it's boy season right now!!  lol good luck sweetie and congrats on your little man!!

  9. with today's technology its very unlikely there wrong, but theres never a 100% guarantee. but dont stress, in the very small possiblility they did get it wrong, im sure you'll be able to return all the boys things and exchange them. and lastly, trust me, no matter what, boy or girl, your going to love your kid. you cant help it :):)

  10. Gender scans are 95% accurate, i know this as i read through my scan letter when i had my baby girl, everyone i know who found out the s*x had a girl or boy like the doctor said they would....

  11. Its unlikely to be wrong if they've told you its a boy. Boys are quite easy to pick for obvious reasons! Occasionally they get it wrong but at 28 weeks there should be no confusion as genitals are well developed.

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