
Genealogy question...can you guess?

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Judging from a photo, can you guess what heritage I have? I believe I'm Irish/Scottish, but I'd like an opinion.




  1. I think you look Irish/Scottish. :-)

  2. backing up Shirley-

    since you specifically say genealogy... the word "guess" is not part of genealogy.  Every thing in researching genealogy is based strictly on finding an accurate document.

    So, why can't you trace back? Not that hard.  Unless you are adopted, you normally can find a record that will show where your ancestor came from.

    Oh.. by the way.. last names being a certain background, come into the same.  People believe a certain name is automatically "proof" of where ancestors came from. Does not work that way.

    Hang out, and find the real answer.  We can help with that.  

  3. Shirley and Wedndy's answers are spot om Dont rely on speculation start finding out Work your way back from yourself If you are Scottish in ancestry you are lucky as the information available on Scotlands People - the Government web site is amongst the best in the world . Get  going !

  4. People involved in genealogy do not consider a person's appearance.  In genealogy we search ancestry using documents.   So much of judging person's ancestry by appearance is based on stereotypes.

  5. If you are the guy, I'd say Scotch-Irish is a very good bet, especially from your coloring.

  6. For those who say that you cant guess an heritage just by looking at someones features, may be you are right, but it is a good guide.

    You both look british to me, Welsh, Irish Scottish, whatever....


  7. the dude looks pollok, the girl looks like a mix of italian and french, but no scientist

  8. English, high cheek bones.

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