
General Info on France?

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Does anyone know anything about france (meals or meal patterns, ettiqute, people, culture) or good websites to go to. I am doing a project for school and really need some help!!!





  2. Why don't you have a look at ?

  3. What find of information do you need? Please be more specific. I can help you but your question is not specific enough.

    General information:

    Meals : breakfast is called "petit dejeuner" and we usually have : bread with butter and/or jam on it, coffee (with or without milk), hot chocolate with milk, tea ... We can also have cereals with milk. Orange juice, croissants and such things.

    Lunch is called : déjeuner. We usually have a break around 12 to have lunch. Depends on your situation (working/student/not working ...) For example I have a break from 12 to 2. Lunches can be very different. For instance today I have veal meat with green beans and  yogurt.

    Dinner is called : dinner or souper (depends on your region).

    Ettiquette? Er ... we are kind of strict on "good manners". It is appropriate to greet, say please, thank you ... When you enter a shop for example, you're supposed to greet the people inside, and be greeted by them as well. Most of the time a "Bonjour" is enough.

    French culture? Man that's way too huge to be summarize in a few words. What exactly fo you want to know? History? Arts? Architecture? Regionalism? Sights? Litterature?

    We are proud of our culture and we spend a good deal studying it at school.Oh by the way, school is of utter importance in France. If you s***w school then you're more than likely supposed to s***w your life and not to find a good job. French school is very difficult. School days are long. From 8h30 to 11h30 and from 1h30 to 4h30 when you're in elementary school, then once you're in high school it depends on your schedule but I remember days when I had school from 8 to 1 and then from 2 to 6. When I started my post high school classes I had weeks with more than 40 hours at school. You've got an exam at the end of your 4th year of high school called BEPC and another one on your last year of high school called Baccalaureat. Baccalaurat is requested to access university and the better grade you get at it the better schools you can access. If you don't have enough grades on your baccalaureat, then you do another year in high school and you have the exam once more.

    French people are said to be arrogant and I don't really like this idea altough I have no idea what people might think of me as a matter of fact. What I know for sure is that we are not taught to smile a lot like I've seen it in the US, that might be an explanation.

    Parisians are rude, but they are rude even to their fellow French citizen, it's a kind of snobbish attitude. I spent one year studying in Paris and I wasn't nothing but "a girl coming from Province".

    If you need any other details, please send me an email.

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