
Generally how much is a tutor?

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i'm considering getting one to further my skills in math. i'm not that great at math.. lol i really want to get far in school.




  1. my 8th gr. algebra tutor was $40 an hour

  2. For Basic Math or the first semester of a University, I would say between 20  or 30 per hour and also depending on where you live and if you expect the tutor to drive to meet you as gas has become higher. If you need a tutor for higher math like Trig or Calculus, it could get higher in price and do you need 30 min or one solid hour? Depending on your dedication to your studies, a good tutor could help you to obtain a higher degree and a great career so they are worth the money. Good Luck!

  3. around colorado the going rate to be tutored y someone who is aqualified teacher is about $45-50 for an hour

    u can pay less for someone who is a undergrad or just graduated from school

  4. It depends on your area of the country....  I know where I am it's about $30 an hour (at the high school level).

    However, if there is a National Honor Society in your high school be aware that the students in the group MUST complete volunteer hours, and many will do it as a personal tutor after school.  In my school the teacher who runs NHS complies a book of students who are in NHS and what their "best" subject is.  Students who need help look at the book and contact a student (usually Jrs. and Srs.).

  5. mine was £20 an hour for 1 hour a week

  6. I don't know what the pay scale is in Nebraska - but here's a scenario that might help.

    In my state, teachers start at around $34,000 a year.  Tutors charge anywhere from $50 - $75 an hour.

    I'd look around and find out what the going rate is at places like tutor time and sylvan learning center and see what they charge, then you'll get a better feel for what the charge is.

    Another thought - many high school students now have to have community service prior to graduating.  What about looking for a strong math student who needs the service hours?  Generally, it has to be volunteer work for community service, and you'd not need to pay at all!

  7. It depends on if you go through a private tutor, or through an organization. You may be able to find a friend to help you for a lot less. Jenni has good advice about going to the NHS.  A private tutor could range from $20-40 an hour or so and a business could be more.

    Good luck!  

  8. Highschool - $20 an hour

    University - up to $50 an hour

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