
Geography in high school?

by Guest65138  |  earlier

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should geography be a required course at the high school level? why or why not?




  1. yes. how else are schools going to fill 8 hours a day?

  2. why not?

    if you do not understand where you are in the world, how it relates to the rest of the world, how will you know where to go and how to get there?

  3. yes. cuz do you know where duseldorf is?

    (hint)(hint) uts in germany

  4. Yes of course; as an advanced civilization we should at least know the general layout of our world and our country. We learn the basics of geography to comprehend our world to another extent (Without geography we are stuck in our own little world; devoid from the rest of the world because of our indifference to others). high school is about learning the basics in a more advanced form. I think that it should NOT be a course, but it should be incorporated into social studies because geography is more of a subject under the idealism of social studies. A class than incorporates world history and geography would be more worth while

  5. no you should learn it in middle school maybe some geography in high school due to people should know more about the land they live in cause nobody ever pays attention really anymore

  6. how about... why not?... LOL

  7. Yes.  As it turns out, geography is a lot more than just memorizing capitals and place names.

    Geography also helps us to put other things about life in perspective -- like why certain places have the languages, religions, economics, and health care systems that they do.  

    I would say that being able to frame how people's lives differ among countries, regions, or between rural and urban environments in a geographical context helps us to see that people whose lives are very different from our own are not all that different from us on other levels.

    Besides, if you can appreciate things like that, the whole world opens up to you and you'll be able to travel with an appreciation that you might not have had without Geography.

  8. Yes! Why should schools promote ignorance? Not knowing where small uninfluential countries are is alright, but not knowing where countries such as China, France, or Brazil is unacceptable. These places play important parts of the world and should atleast be taught about major world influences and their cultures. Ignorance is not bliss, not knowing why different people do certain things than you bash it due to ignorance it really shows what kind of person you are.

  9. it should be

    i think it is  a good subject and if it is not there how will you know about our world the locations it would be a total mess if no geography

    and how would you get different maps

    how could we find places

    and how could Columbus find America

    it is a necessity

    how could u think of the weather conditions cyclones etc

  10. Yes.  Its pathetic how many people can't even use a map effectively.

  11. YES.  you don't want to go around thinking Africa is a city.  That would make you look like your from "lower class" in conversation.  Trust me, there's gonna come a time when you wanna impress your boyfriend's family, and when they ask you if you've ever been to Norway, you'll feel VERY dumb, if you don't know where its at.

  12. absolutely!!! how many people know the difference between iran and iraq? or even where they are located?!! these people also need to know how to read a map so that when they are lost on the freeway trying to find their way home, they can pull out a map and find the way!

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