
Georgia-Russia conflict?

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So I have absolutly no idea what is going on with this Georgia-Russia thing. I keep hearing about it, but could someone please explain what is going on with that?




  1. South Ossetia tried to break away from Georgia.  Georgia sent troops to stabilize the area.  Russia decided to conquer them both.

    That's a simplified explanation, but that's essentially what it boils down to.

  2. Cant explain how angry I feel, when I hear that Russia started the war. This is not true, Russia just tried to protect South osetia people, because they are russian citizen most of them.

    Georgian president is sold his country to US and became an American prostitue, humiliated the whole Georgian Nation.

    He destroyed the relationships which were built centuries ago... he did it in 1 day.

    The USA media shows on TV how Russia bombs Gergia, IT IS NOT TRUE>

    Those tapes were actually masde when Georgian attacked at night the civil South Osetians people.

    Georgian miltary really started genocide. They took in one place many women, children and old men and locked them in a building and burned it.

    Georgian tank run to death an old granmother who was trying to escape with 2 little children.

    Thats waht really happeing over there.

    of course the USA is behind it

  3. Check the link below. It is a good collection of questions and answers on the situation.  

  4. Basically there have been tensions between Georgia and Russia since the Soviet Union broke up in the early '90s...South Ossetia is a region in Northern Georgia that have a lot of separasts that remain loyal to Russia. In fact South Ossetia actually declared its independence in 1990, but no members of the United Nations recognize it, so South Ossetia is technically viewed as a part of Georgia.  So there have been tensions between Georgia and South Ossetia for years.  

    North Ossetia is a part of Russia and South Ossetia is a part of Georgia. South Ossetia wants to be united with North Ossetia and be a part of Russia. Russia had peacekeepers in South Ossetia (which is Georgia) and many of the people living in South Ossetia declare themselves Russian citizens.

    Last week (Aug. '08) intense fighting broke out between South Ossetia separatists and Georgian military. Georgia then began a military offensive into South Ossetia to "restore constitutional order in the region."  Russia who supports South Ossetia got pissed and decided to retalitate against Georgia and now is attacking and bombing regions in Georgia that are outside of South Ossetia.  Georgia decided then to pull its troops out of South Ossetia to initiate a ceasefire with Russia...but Russia is still attacking.  So it looks like Russia is not only chasing Georgia out of the region of conflict but is trying to take over Georgia itself.

    Also Ukraine made a comment about barring Russian Ships from using their port in the Black's scary to think that this little conflict could get countries joining sides kinda like what started WWI...oh and Russia possess the world's largest stockpile of weapons of mass destruction!

  5. On August 8th, 2008, Russian troops entered South Ossetia after Georgian troops attacked and killed 12 Russian peacemakers in the capital of the enclave that had a semi-autonomous existence since 2004, which sparked the 2008 South Ossetia War.

    From Wikipedia...

  6. South Osetia has been trying to become independent from Georgia since 1992. Recently, Georgian President decided to show that he was not going to tolerate it any longer and send troops to take over South Osetia. There were Russian peace keeping troops in Osetia that got killed trying to protect the innocent civilians. Russia sent more troops to stop the genocide. Georgia (supported by the U.S.) continued the offensive. It is still not clear what Georgia will do further. Russia will protect the Osetians. The U.S. probably won't get involved (besides the information war). The only way out for Georgia is to call the offensive off.  

  7. It's quite clear that Georgia started this conflict even though i'm sure U.S media will blame Russia as the aggressor. Georgia is a U.S ally and is trying to clame South Ossetia back by force. South Ossetia is run by separatists who want to join their ethnic kin in North Ossetia, across the border in Russia. Russia has come to South Ossetia aid and now there is all out war. Now I kept asking myself why would a small force(Georgia) start a suicide mission when it's clear Russia would destroy them. Well it seems to me that the Georgian President is being used as a puppet because he can't be this stupid. Puppet for what and for whom you ask, good question. I think the U.S is encouraging Georgia to do this.

    Anyone who tells you different only watches Fox, CNN, or BBC.

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