
Geothermal energy new technologies?

by Guest59664  |  earlier

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I am doing a paper about the new technologies and advances in geothermal energy so i wanted some books, references and websites about that topic. Thanks




  1. afaik, the technologies are all old and well established.

    deep drilling, hot rock, water injection geothermal is quite new, offshoot of oil industry where they now regularly drill to several kilometres.

  2. Geo thermal energy is put into buildings for heating and cooling. Geo thermal still requires a sound design and installation because the amount of energy consumed is dependent on how the insulated walls and roof perform.

    We are getting calls on new building problems and the buildings include residential, commercial, institutional and even high-rises.

    Did you know the entire building industry is completed and signed off as code compliant? Go to to see the function of buildings in the winter. Go to to see the energy use of buildings in the summer.

    It is important for you to speak about installation of energy technologies...i.e. I inspected a building that was new and had mold in it after a year. The owner was an environmentalist that got Geo thermal installed. The problem with the building is the building wasn't insulated properly so mold was though out the attic with the heat transfer.

    Another high-rise had geothermal except they installed the heating in the ceiling while the thermostat was 5 feet off the floor. Heat rises so the building heats from the top down and wasted lots of energy while feet were cold. Heating belongs in the floor.

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