
German citezenship?

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as a student in germany can i ever obtain the german citezenship as i will have a permit of staying as a student and if i obtain the citezenship do i have to lose my mother citezenship




  1. Visit the German Embassy website. Or better yet contact them to get the most accurate information. To answer your last question if you are granted German citizenship it could make you a dual citizen but in some cases depending on your country of origin you can lose it. I would contact your native consulate/embassy to know for sure. The bottom line is that it is best to contact them because rules and requirments can change time by time and it is best for you. If you can't call or visit then usually there is a way of contacting them via e-mail. If you e-mail then be sure to include your passport number, visa number, and phone number so that they may call you. Best of luck.

  2. i need to know if you read German well ? for i cannot find the text in English ...and i can read it , but i have forgotten alot of words .so come back ? and i will give you the link to the German link :cannot translate all of it .........

    yes you may get the German nationlity .which country are you from ?

    if you would like to answer me ? i will come back later :-)

    ps: you did not come back to tell me if you speak German ,as to read the informations for citizenship ?

  3. The short answer is: YES you can become a German citizen.  And YES you would need to give up your current citizenship.  There are rules you need to follow -- for example residing in Germany for 7-8 years and also knowing the German language, plus other rules.   I'll give some info below plus a link.  It sounds like you do not have claim to be a German citizen by birth, but rather by becoming a naturalized citizen -- ie, that you have lived in Germany and want to be a citizen.

    Here is some info from the German gov't site:

    "What are the requirements for becoming a naturalized German citizen?

    Section 10, para. 1 of the Nationality Act

    To be eligible for naturalization, a person has to have lived legally in Germany for at least eight years and possess the appropriate residence permit. Foreigners who have successfully completed an integration course are eligible for naturalization after seven years. Persons wishing to become naturalized citizens must also declare their allegiance to our constitution and have a sufficient command of the German language. Knowledge of German is an essential prerequisite for integration into our society. Candidates for naturalization must be able to support themselves without recourse to social assistance or unemployment benefits (Arbeitslosengeld II), unless this is due to circumstances beyond their control; nor can they have committed any serious criminal offences. In addition, they must give up their previous citizenship. In certain cases or for certain groups of persons, however, multiple nationality may be considered.

    Special rules apply to persons with special status (displaced foreigners and stateless persons), making it easier for them to become naturalized citizens.  "
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