
German people today. Views of Hitler?

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I'm Just wondering what people in Germany today think of Hitler.




  1. Germans don't think about this bloke any longer. Just if someone is asking boring questions about this Austrian (he never had been a German - please remind this!)

    It's history - bad history for sure and we must not forget - but it's annoying that certain people keep being narrow minded and sort of rude repeating these questions (as already mentioned)

  2. I don't think so  German people think of Hitler nowadays,every country is facing a more bigger problem than Hitler and that is terrorism,suicide attacks.

  3. you don't think that your question is narrow minded and rude?  why bother thinking about it at all if its so bad?  why not concentrate on the hitler who's idiot son has made a mokcery of our country every day of his life.  not even smart enough to eat pretzels, but he's waging war with our tax dollars.

  4. Germany has learnt it's lesson and we will do everything that this kind of things never happen again. But it's true people here in Germany have to face bigger problems than to think about Hitler. Perhaps you don't know that Hitler was an Austrian but no one asks Austrians what they think about him now and for us Germans it's alarming that so many people in other countries still seem to be so fascinated by Hitler n**i-stuff. We have seen pictures of people..especially from USA, UK and Russia etc, wearing n**i-uniforms and using n**i-symbolit's not allowed to use this things in Germany...but other countries seems to be more liberal for that...

  5. Evil dictator, murderer of men, women and children.  Not much more to say.

  6. We don't think about him anymore . He is dead  for over  60 years.

    What would i like to know :

    What do Australians think about their treatment to the Aborigines ?I heard finally in 2008 they appologized to them .

    Is that true ?

  7. Im a 20 year old german. and i live in america when people hear im german they think im racist and n**i and whatever. But i must say that our genaration now has forgotten about the whole thing. of course there are some n**i left who think like that but like 90% i would say dont even think about all that anymore.

  8. Though Blue gave you a great answer this is really not travel related and should be in Polls or a different section.

    This is about travel.

  9. We have learned our lesson. And even though people are still asking us Germany about it, and point fingers whenever neo-n**i groups do something here in Germany (which I do not, in any way, find tolerable, don't get me wrong!), it is necessary to point out that other countries have a far bigger percentage of neo-n**i/fascistic people per 1000 than Germany does.

    I would also like to say: Hitler is 63 years ago. I can go to places where terrible things happened in his or his parties name were done, take a deep breath and tell myself: It was horrible, but it is over!

    It's the fascistic/fanatic people now that get me to worry.

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