
German shepherd question pls help?

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my 4 month old german shepherd puppy wont eat any thing we gave him tuna wont eat that we bought puppy canned food wont eat that and wont eat his kibble all he wants to eat plain yogurt. I heard that when it hot outside puppies wont eat any thing I live in edmonton alberta canada and it is about 24 degrees celcus what do you think is wrong with him




  1. My German Shepherd doesn't always eat. She's gone a couple of days at a time not eating. I think what's important is that the puppy is drinking water. If its gums are white, that's a bad sign ... could be dehydrated. Also watch its weight. If it is losing weight, that's not good either. Take it to the vet. But if the puppy occasionally doesn't eat, I think that might be normal for GSDs. We gave up on feeding our dog 2x a day. She eats 1x at night. Sometimes she eats right before bedtime. As for foods, my GSD likes high protein foods. We give her kibble. Puppies should get puppy food. FYI, mine is 2 years old now and doing fine. Good luck!  

  2. Get him to the vet just to be safe. Take a list of what & when he ate, and a stool sample. It sounds like he might have a bowel obstruction. Puppies will chew on anything (normal teething behavior), and some of what they chew may be indigestible.

  3. If he isnt showing any other signs of being ill, then i would be tempted to make up his dinner - try mixing a little wet dog food with his kibble.  Give him his dinner, and after 30 mins pick it up and dont feed him again til the next meal time, keep doing this - the idea being he'll eat when he's hungry.  Obviously if there are other signs of him being ill - eg toilet probs then i would be more wary of this.

    Also how often are you feeding him?  He might want his meals reduced, I know my pup started to pick at his breakfast and eventually i realised he was happier with a bigger meal in the evening and thats it.

    Good luck remember if it goes on too long you might need to take him to the vet.

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