
Germany's Crime Rate?

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How does Germany keep its crime rate so low?




  1. I really think the main thing is that our government doesn't allow guns in everyone's hands, and most of all: We have one single federal law that regulates the possession and use of guns, not like in the U.S., where state laws differ. To own a gun, you must be member of a firearms club ("Schützenverein"), and/or must have made an official test that you are physically fit to handle the gun. Furthermore, you are not legally allowed to buy or possess sharp ammo, unless you have a special reason for that, like when you're a hunter, or a cop on duty.

    But this is only one side of the story, and might explain why there are so few murder cases here. (2006: 818; 95.2% of them cleared)

    The other side is that Germany is densely populated, and the villages, small towns, and even the "townships" in the larger cities have a neighborhood that's not just curious, but really interested in you. I moved around a lot throughout Germany, and the neighbors really take care of you. This also applies to quarters mostly inhabited by immigrants; i lived in Berlin-Kreuzberg for a while, which is mostly inhabited by Turkish immigrants. I wasn't afraid in the streets at night. There's no better protection than neighbors who take care of each other.

    Furthermore, minor crimes are usually not reported to the police. At least, people from my generation don't. We work that out on a personal basis, if we can guess who it was, or live with a loss of 20 euros. I was robbed once (the guy showed me a knife, what should I do, I gave him my money), he took the 20 and ran away. There was enough in the other pocket, but he and his three friends didn't even search me for that. It didn't happen in a village, but in Berlin. I really had to laugh about it; a "street gang" would have acted otherwise.

    I don't think it's the law or its enforcement that keeps our crime rate so low. It's the people. It is general consent that killing a person is a "no-do", under no circumstance. (Hurting one, e.g. for reasons of jealousy, is another topic.) And I think even immigrants learn that pretty fast. 60 years without war: I think the Germans have become a very peaceful people.

  2. Not only no guns, but a strong emphasis on education, family, and respect for your community.  It is just a different culture.  Although things have changed in recent years a bit, negative pop culture is still not as influential in Germany (Europe) as it is in the U.S.  In general, most Germans just seem to take a lot of pride in being productive, educated members of their society and they pass that on to their children.  It is hundreds and hundreds of years of history (good and bad) that I think has given them a clearer perspective as to what is truly important in maintaining a safe and stable social environment.

  3. good education, good communication, good social life, good quality in information, not to big gap's in society (poor to rich), people take care for each other and are interested in others.

    good police force, very well educated and they are very much accepted in the society.

    we can carry or buy guns but have have learned from the beginning not to kill somebody. Most murder cases in germany are not based on shootings.

    some clarifying rates from 2006:

    95% of murder cases are clarifyed

    94% of bank robberys are carifyed

    96% of hold-up robbery is clarifyed

  4. I disagree it has nothing to do with no guns, PEOPLE KILL not guns, they could easily use a knife or a car or something else. If someone wants to kill they can.

    I would say it is due to better upbringing than anything. It is proven in the usa that crime does not decrease if you ban guns because only outlaws will have guns then and the one committing most crimes do not have them legally to begin with!!


    (Alwin's answer is a good one!)

  5. no guns ......


    Alwin answered it real, real good .
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