
Germany and GB v Russia

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Who do you think would win?




  1. AH an interestink kvestion my friend. Well Britain and Germany would first need to withdraw all overseas troops for the full fighting force. The German weapons are far superior so score one for the Anglo-Teuton alliance. Russia although it has a huge surface area has less people so another score for us. The Russians do have many more nukes though so they get one over on that one. We however have the support of Europe and the US so that balances out the nuclear weapons case. Overall though the war would end up being WW3 and a long bloody affair Russia would loose in the end because no one likes them, OK so no one is particularly fond of the Americans but they at least prefer them to the Russians.

  2. seeing how many of our troops are stationed  overseas, and not so large an army as Russia probably them, but who know, lets hope we don;t find out

  3. If they use nukes,  Russian will win easily.  

    If Russia is winning with conventional weapons,  they will not use nukes.  If Russia is losing,  it will.

    Either way,  Russia wins.  

  4. "Time of crisis is time of wars and Revolutions" Vladimir Ilich Ulianov( Lenin) -Berna- 1916.

    btw, there were just only 8 Bolsheviks on 1916 in the whole World.

    We love crisis.

  5. Neither.

    Britain would nuke Russia, and Russia would nuke Britain and Germany, and would then probably be attacked by America, and other nations would get involved, and it'd get very messy and many people would die.

    In the end, nobody would win, humanity would lose.

  6. Does it really matter.

    Thanks for two points, so I'm a winner.

  7. Both Britain and Russia have nukes, hence everyone looses, although i suppose Germany would loose the most....

  8. Well what is winning? Germany and the UK could never hope to invade Russia, and Russia could never conquer both the UK and Germany (especially bypassing all the other countries in between). Besides, if the UK or Russia was being invaded neither would hesitate to use their nuclear weapons.

  9. Why on earth would we Brits, alli ourselves to those conniving lying backstabbing Germans? we would rather fight alone and lose than owe the Krauts any favours, we may forgive but we don't forget,

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