
Get his attention and keep it!!?

by  |  earlier

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You know when you get butterflies in your stomach, when you see someone and suddenly you get a RUSH of nervousness and your stomach feels like it's turning inside out , yeah that's starting to happen with this one guy. He and I are friends in sort of, we know each other and have hung out in the same group of friends before. Now all of sudden getting to know his heart and what he feels towards life is so amazing, I'm sure it's infatuation and all but how can I start off by catching his eye or at least catch his interest in things...How to start conversation and keep it, he's all about his family, relationship with the Lord and friends!! He knows what he wants and goes for it, he doesn' care what people think and he's really sweet, genuine and fun to be around. I have seen the type of girl he has dated and I'm not ugly or anything but I don't know if I'll fit his type, than again, I really don't know his type!! LOL...So any and all help will be wonderfully appreciated!! :)




  1. Keep it as a platonic frienship or you may run him off from pressure. If he's a church boy, you don't want to test him or put him in the situation of temptation. He sounds like a keeper, but don't push up on him, let him be him and just enjoy your time together.

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