
Get rid of IEP?

by  |  earlier

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Not that I have one, but how can you get rid of an Individualized Education Program?




  1. Petition the school, as IEPs cost a lot of money to run, the school would be more than glad to cut one loose.

  2. from what i understand u're a teacher....

    why would u want to get rid of an iep?? it is for the benefit of the pupil!!!.... so, i guess that first of all, u should solve the issues u have against this type of intervention when it comes to SEN pupils...

  3. Write a letter to the district special ed director stating this. If I'm not mistaken, if they disagree with you they will have to file a due process hearing (court) to prove that the child still needs special ed.

    I could be wrong though because as the parents you have the final say. The child is YOURS not THEIRS.

  4. I probably "staff out" one student a year because they are showing continued success with little or no support.  It happens gradually over time, and we try to get students out or nearly out of special ed in middle school, whenever possible.  A parent with enough legal power MIGHT be able to do something or fill out paperwork denying services, but they run the risk of being found guilty of neglect.

  5. if your the parent you have the right to refuse serves.  As a student you have to 18 but if I were the student I would talk to my parents and explain why I don't want it anymore and find out how they feel on the matter.

  6. IEPS do help guide the teacher in reference to particular goals that the student may have to reach.I only have one problem with the whole thing why do they focus so much on the negative aspect of the child and not the positive side.I have son who progresses a little and then regresses but at those times he does do something its not recognized come to IEP time why is that?
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