
Get to the screen?

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Well, I know it would be hard but I`ve always wanted to be an actress. Can anybody tell me stuff about the system of Hollywood (cause I guess this is the only place I can be a real actress) and how it works? I`m just curious... would it be possible for me and people like me? What do I have to do?I`ve been often told that I was born to be an actress and am very talented. I love acting, so I`m asking for help.




  1. Hello, fellow actor! :D

    Well, if you're around my age [13] then you should apply for a theater charter school. [For example: LVPA; Lehigh Valley Performing Arts Charter High School]. That'll look good on your record and it'll also help you with your acting. From there, work your way up. I'm not sure how Hollywood actually works, but if you're looking for gigs to start with, there's a good website called

    Hope this helped!

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