
Getting Braces Thursday need help !

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ok i need to know the whole procedure being to end plz and how long will it take ( i'm getting top and bottom) and what are some cool colors i was thinking pink and green but i don't want clear !! thanx




  1.        The procedure is about an hour in a half to 2 hours long.  The first thing they will do is measure a ring on your back teeth.  The rings holds the wire.  The second thing they do is put this thing in your mouth that keeps your mouth open.  Then they have this thing that holds your tongue down so it does get in the way of them working.  Then a small tube goes in your mouth and it collects all of your saliva so you want have to swallow.  You know the squares on braces.  They will glue them on your teeth with this tar that tastes really bad but, just keep your tongue down so it will not get on your tongue and then you will never taste it.  That part takes the longest, it takes about an hour.  Then they will insert the wires to the squares that they just put on your teeth.  The wire connects to the ring in the back of your mouth.  

         The last thing they will do is put on the colors.  It really doesn't matter what color you pick just make sure it is not a bright color your first time.  Here is a website with the available color you will be able to put on your braces.

         By the way it does NOT hurt when you get your braces on.  It will start to hurt about 4 hours after you get braces.  Your mouth will actually swell up and you will get cuts in your mouth but put the wax that they give you over the part on your braces that is digging into your mouth (it feels a lot better if you do that).  You can also take some motrin or advil.  

          Just eat things that are a liquid for the next few day.  Soup was my favorite to eat.

           Hope I helped.     Good luck with the braces.          


  2. Hey there!

    I just got braces like 2 months ago

    I started off with a nice blue :]

    and when they first start it doesnt really hurt

    but after you get them

    your mouth may feel a bit sore for a bout a week or 2!

    but you just need to take some medicine and everything will be alright

    you dont need to worry much

    Im not sure about everyone else

    though i get a check up every 6 weeks so i can get my braces checked and get a new color.

    They have manyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy colors so you have a large variety!

    Hope it helped!

    Hope it didnt get you scared!



  3. Okkay. I only have my bottoms but getting top in 3 day's. I took about an hour for me to get them.for me its a 10 it hurt pretty bad. For when I get my tops. I think I might pick bright vibtrent colours. Cause having medal on your teeth is bad enough so you need somthing to brighten it up. Pink and grreeen are great to start off with.

    Enjoy ur braces


  4. Beginning:

    1.  They will make this cement type paste that doesn't taste bad, but is kind of uncomfortably.  They will place this paste on the surface of your teeth.  This will stick the bracket to your teeth.

    2.  They will place the brackets on the paste.  There are 2 rings put on the two teeth at the very end, before the wisdom teeth.  These have a small "hook" that will keep the wire in place so that it doesn't slip right or left.

    3.  They will take a wire metal, and fit it to your mouth.  It might be a bit uncomfortable at the beginning when the wire is still a bit long because they are still trying to get the right length.

    4.  After pushing in the wire that will be hooked on by the small metal hooks on the brackets, they will start putting in the rubber bands.  

    5.  Putting on the rubber bands will be uncomfortable as it suddenly tightens your teeth.  

    Here's some more information about braces.

    Normally, you would go to a check up appointment every month to get them tightened. It seems to be required, but the requirements could be different from each orthodontist. The point of the monthly check up is so that the old, loosened rubber bands can be replaced with new, tighter ones to further complete the process of you getting braces. Just about once a month is normal, unless something happens. For example, if a bracket falls off when eating or brushing, make an appointment immediately with your orthodontist so that you are able to make sure your teeth do not shift back to their original positions. If your rubber band falls off, try, but don't do anything fatal, to put it back on, if it fails, call your orthodontist. If the wire is crooked or out of alignment, then you should immediately make an appointment. Usually, your orthodontist would give you a list of what to do when something happens to your braces.

    There are 2 types of rubber bands. The rubber bands that fit on the brackets are already given when your braces are completely assembled. The time it takes for your canine teeth to come down completely depends upon yourself. This is nothing you can control either. It depends on how crooked the original alignment of your canine to your other teeth are. If it is extremely crooked, it might take a few months while if it is only slightly out of alignment, it might take just a few days to a few weeks.

    The other rubber bands are ones that you might receive when your experience with braces is about to end. These rubber bands are supposed to pull the upper jaw and lower jaw together so when you close your mouth/clench your teeth, the teeth would fit normally.

    I suggest silver, for metal braces because they aren't as easily noticeable and are supposedly not as easy to stain. Clear is fine, but it stains easily. Black is a bit more noticeable, but stains won't come out often.  I suggest anything darker in color, so stains won't show as easily.  Please avoid yellow, as it seems to make your teeth appear yellow.

    Braces are installed all in one day, in about an hour's worth of time. First they would supposedly apply a cement type glue [that doesn't really taste like anything, but is slightly minty] that will keep the brackets on your teeth. Then, they will stick on the brackets. After, they will trim a thin wire and fit it to your mouth before clicking it into the small hooks of the brackets. Finally, the rubber bands are installed onto the brackets, and this is the part when you would normally feel a bit of "pain" due to the sudden tightness your teeth are experiencing. It isn't all that painful, and the feeling lasts about 3 days if your teeth aren't extremely crooked. If extremely out of shape, the most the feeling should last is 2 weeks.

    I recommend at the beginning, when you first install your braces that you eat softer foods, like soup or mashed potatoes. Something that doesn't require as much chewing. However, if you are fine with eating regularly, and the tightened feeling doesn't bother you, anything is fine. However, do not eat gum [for fear of it accidentally pulling your brackets or wire off], popcorn is alright, except the shell of the kernals may become lodged between your teeth or between your gum, making it extremely difficult to remove. Apples and other harder fruits should be diced. Carrots should be cooks so that they are soft. Broccoli is not recommended during your braces experience. Do not chew on ice or the tip of your pencil/pen. Hard candies are alright once in a while as long as you brush and floss scrutinizingly, but do not bite on it. You may only allow it to dissolve. Soft candies are not recommended [like gum]. Any type of sodas is discouraged unless you brush and floss scrutinizingly [like hard candies].

    Make sure to brush and floss daily. Brush lightly above and below the bracket and make sure to get the inside as well along with the "tearing/chewing the food" part. Floss between your teeth. Usually, the orthodontist would supply you with a kit full of all this information including what you should or should not do in case something happens to your braces, what you should or should not eat, along with supplies to take care of both your braces and teeth. There should be a plastic needle that will allow you to poke the string of the floss through, allowing you to floss. Mouthwash is highly recommended.


    1.  Your orthodontist will remove the rubber bands as they do each monthly appointment.  

    2.  They will take out the wire.

    3.  They scrape off the brackets.  This might feel a bit strange since they are applying pressure to your teeth in order to cleanly get all the paste off.

    4.  Rinse.

    5.  They might take a mold of your teeth.  The mold is slightly minty and the texture is slightly like putty.  It doesn't taste bad, but it is uncomfortable because there is a big blob pushed onto your teeth.

    6.  After the mold, you are allowed to rinse again and should be done.

    All that's left after this are a few appointments and getting your retainers.

    Good luck!!

    I hope this helped a bit.

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