
Getting a cavity filled???

by  |  earlier

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I am scared to get a cavity filled. I had 2 at the age of 14, and got them filled at the same time. And the dentist said they were small, and he numbed me and everything, but it still hurt, and i hated the sound. Could i listen to my ipod when i am in there. And this next cavity i am getting is even smaller then the last one, do smaller cavitys hurt less. And I am terified of going back, is there a way to get over it. I think if i am listening to my ipod and closing my eyes, i will barley feel a thing, is this a good way. Cause that would block me out on everything that is going on. I really hate this =(????




  1. If you are really afraid of the sound (like me) ask if you can be put to sleep when they do it. But bc it id only a cavity, idk if they will. but just relax, and liste4n to your iPod. And i think the smaller the cavity, the faster its done.

    I hope all goes well!

  2. Relax...if you aren't numb let the dentist will feel the vibrating of the drill...but shouldn't feel pain..listening to the Ipod is a good idea as long as the dentist doesn't mind...i used to work for a dentist and when people were nervous she used to tell them to wiggle their toes while she was drilling (or whatever) it takes to much concentration on wiggling your toes to notice what else is going on...I've tried it and it works..try it, it might work for you...good luck!

  3. you can listen to your ipod i did it too i had small ones and it didn't hurt. listing to your ipod and closing your eyes would probably  make it not hurt as much

  4. Most of this is in your head. The dentist will numb your mouth and you will not feel anything, however if you do feel pain, simply tell the dentist and he will numb you more,

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