
Getting another budgie?

by Guest63541  |  earlier

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Hey! im thinking of getting another budgie. but i already have 2. one male one female. I was wondering what type would be the best to get. or will they all fight?




  1. Get a female if you have 2 males and 1 female.

  2. dont get one get a pair

  3. Female because the males will fight if you get another male.

  4. I used to have 8 Budgies, The females would fight with each other more than the males would. As long as you have 2 females and 2 males, they might get along after they get used to each other. But, it takes quite awhile for them to get used to each other. You have to have a lot of time and patience if you have more than 2 birds. I have 9 right now, so they take up a lot of my time. I have 25 years experience with Birds and have had up to 35 at one time. They are a lot of work and need much attention. Hope this helps!

  5. No one can tell you the temper the birds might have. I have a cockatiel and quacker parrot. They live in separate cages. The cockatiel always looks at the quacker. One day when she was out she jumped on the quackers cage and the quacker grabbed his claw and the cocatiel screamed like crazy and was bleeding. I taught I was going to lose him. They will be lovey and time and might fight no matter what.

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