
Getting my store up and going.?

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I have created an online store using CafePress. I have heard of the success stories and all, and thought I would try it out. My store is called UltimateBandGeek, and I sell designs for bands "marching bands". I am not much of an artist, and have been working to get good designs. I have filled my store with a few designs to start with.

The only problem is with advertising. I know I can advertise with traffic exchanges and what not, but where can I find good advertising for my type of store? It's not fit to advertise a band shop on a football fan get the point.

Does anyone have any advice and know of any good places to advertise my store?




  1. Why not advertise in the high schools?  Most of them have a Battle of the Bands type of performance where several schools get together to compete. This is usually in the fall and spring. That would be 5-6 bands & at least 500-600 kids. Most of them have a program book that thrives on advertising.  The advertising is usually cheap.  In my area you can do a full page ad for $150 in one of these books. Contact the local high schools within a 10-20 mile radius and ask for the Band Director or Band Boosters contact.  The ad can be simple with your name, website address, phone contact, some graphics, etc.    

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