
Getting out of Jury duty?

by Guest56798  |  earlier

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I just received a notice in the mail saying I have to show up for jury duty in about a month. The problem is this 1. This is not for my county. The courthouse is an hour from my house and 2. My mother is having open heart surgery between now and then and I have to be around for her if she needs anything because I'm the only one that lives close enough. What can I do? It says I can submit something in writing but I don't know what to say. Can anyone help me?




  1. Just write that you are not living in the county.  How did you get it anyway?  Was it forwarded?  They should not be sending to other counties.

    On the medical side, the first answer is dead on.  The doctor will provide that letter.

  2. you can mark on there that you care for someone that needs your attention. or you can have your mothers doctor write a jury excuse letter stating that you are the only family that can care for her and you being in jury duty will be very detrimental to her healing process.

  3. you can say that you recognize that it is everyone's civic duty to serve but can it be postponed to a later date and then go into the reasons (family illness).

  4. First of all there are good reasons to want to be on the jury such as you have the power to nullify a law if it goes against your conscience. This is called jury nullification and there are many websites to look this up on google.

    But if you don't want to serve on a jury you can cancel your voter registration shortly after each election.

    Or you can say I don't know to all the questions asked by both prosecutor and defense lawyer during jury selection.

  5. 1) say you're very anti-Semitic.

    2) mention that you have to take care of your infirm elderly parent--there's no one else.

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