
Getting out of a lock?

by  |  earlier

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If someone wraps their arms around your torso and holds tight like a bear hug, and tries to lift you. How do you get out of that lock?




  1. If you don't mind hurting them, throw your head back into their face.  Also a foot stomp works well to get him to release, especially if you are wearing shoes.  Stomp hard with your heel onto the top of his foot.  These are escapes from real danger - don't try this if you are just wrestling with a friend.

    For sport type grappling, get your body low - lean forward and down with your legs apart, which shift your opponents center of gravity up, and put you more in control of his weight and balance.  Then you can reach between your own legs to grab his ankle or calf - this will pull him backwards and off of you ideally, plus it lowers your base, putting you in a more stable position.  He can't throw you once you have his ankle.  

    From there you can stand up - yanking his ankle right up with you - if you have 2 hands, twst his toes downward and his heel upward - don't let go.  This should drop him on his butt and you can turn into him or try for an ankle, knee bar, toe-hold or heel hook.    

    If he grabs you high enough, you can bend forward and lunge downwards then back - this will effectively drop him on his face, an you can scramble out the back.

    There are a couple of easy throws from here, but I recommend training with an instructor to get the technique right - otherwise you'll end up choked out or worse.

    Make sure you practice these on a mat so nobody gets hurt.  You can easily cause injury  wrestling.  I honestly recommend you take some classes - it is much easier to learn the details of escaping grabs, etc. with a qualified instructor, and its safer too.

  2. Okay.  Watch closely what I do.

    See when I'm grabbed like this, then I... hey, are you watching?

    Of course you're not.  Martial arts are taught visually and kinesthically- by sight and by action.

    So get a friend, check out and search for "escape from bear hug", and practice some of the moves you see.  YouTube has a lot of good instructional videos, even about the martial arts.

  3. Ok, you have a ton of options depending on the situation. In a sport match you'll have different options than you would in the street. First we'll talk about options on the street.

    If your attacker is using both arms around your midsection, and you have your arms free, and legs free, you're actually in no great immediate danger. The only danger you have is that person picking up up off of the ground, and slamming you onto the ground. So, here are a few options. A quick head butt to the bridge of the nose. This strike is incredibly easy to execute and there's a high percentage that you'll break your attackers nose. Another option is to cup your hands, and simultaneously box your attackers ears. This will stop him flat. Other options would be gripping and squeezing the attackers trachea, a simple eye gouge, or foot stomps. If you're lifted, you could bring the point of your elbow down and strike your attackers collar bone. A good chance you can fracture it. As you can see, if you're not in a competition, your options are many and varied. All of those techniques will get your attacker to let go. Fast.

    If you are participating in some kind of combat sport, you'll have to switch things up. Depending on whether or not strikes would be allowed. A simple grappling option would be to 'swim' one arm underneath one arm of your attackers, under hooking strongly and driving your shoulder into his arm pit. From that position, even if he maintained a strong body lock, you could execute a throw, or a sweep. You have options. If strikes are allowed you could deliver a palm strike to the trapezius or just an elbow to the bridge of the nose or eye.

    You have plenty of options depending on your experience and the situation.

    Hope that helps.

  4. you can smash your finger knuckles into his hand repetitively at full force if they are behind you or if in front of you you can try this that i found on a site i just learned about listed below in my sources

    oh an ansewer my question;...

  5. from the front, look up pummeling on you tube...from the back you work a standing or rolling kimura lock...look them up

  6. Well what I learned was since most of your upper body is immobile the best thing would be to either check to see if your legs are able to reach the groin of the attacker if so kick them there but only work if bear hugged from the front also a headbutt works which is the first thing they teach you when someone bear hugs you. Hope this helped

    Sources: I myself take martial arts
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