
Getting out of excess downloads?

by  |  earlier

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my sister left her laptop on for a week, and also the torrent she downloaded, so our usage went through the roof! It was capped at $300.

is there any way of getting out of this charge?




  1. sorry no .

    you can not send the downloads back.

    you will have to pay and be much more care full.

    you could try asking your provider if it would be possible to pay back on a monthly increase on your normal bill.

    hope this helps

  2. ring isp and talk to them about it. tell them it wasnt your fault, didnt realise this would happen, etc. Tell them you are happy to pay something but you think the charge is excessive and want to work something out with them. Ask to speak to supervisor, etc. They may work something out with you. have the conversation and see what happens. If they say No though, you will have to pay if you are in contract that stipulates these conditions.  

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