
Getting out of seeing relatives?!?

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This is information for someone with time, and is willing to some how get me to see looking forward to this or provide a great way of escaping my dilemma! If you are or want to be a therapist, this should be great for you.--

Okay. I'm 15, and ever since I was 5 I've gone to see my grandmother and her husband in FL. I'll go with my older sis of (2 yrs. older) every year during either summer or christmas break.Basically my grandma drives me crazy! I always dreaded seeing her even when I was little. I don't want to seem like I'm venting but to sum it all up she is--racist/prejudice in ways, judgemental, looks down upon lower class people, very cheap-will sacrifice fun/necessities for money(refuses to use air conditioning in Florida in the SUMMER or at all)'s hard to describe other characteristics of hers ,but she's a very unpleasant person to be around. I used to believe the experience of Florida would be some what "diluted", by her husband being there, because I used to think he was a nice person. Now they're equally upsetting. He flat out told me I wasn't good enough at something I had taken up(tennis), and should stop wasting money on it (it's always$$$ with them). I was 12 and very heartbroken. Thankfully I took the high-road and decided not to listen to him. I ended up excelling in tennis. I only recently told my mother what he said.

My mother knows how my grandma (her mom) can be. She, along with my sister, said I need to stick it out. I disagree all the way.Yes. They are family. But, I am more close to my best friend's than them! I cry and scream inside every time I have to board that plane. My mother and sister are annoyed and think that I just care about myself. Well,aren't grandparents supposed to want the best for me? I'm not happy at all when I go. My mother doesn't think I should tell them I'm not interested in going. She says they would have never thought that I wouldn't want to go. It would make them stressed. I don't know.

So please give advice. How can I get out of this? Do I stick it out? How?




  1. Well, since you are 15, if your mom says you have to go, you need to respect her decision while you are under her roof. The only way I could see out of it, without your mom knowing, would be to sign up for some kind of program, take on a new responsibility,etc. That is, if there is time for all that. Otherwise, you're SOL.

    Sorry babe, but it won't be very long before you get to make your own decisions. Make the best of it if you do end up going. Talk to your mom again. Maybe you can agree to at least do some things you want to do while visiting. Everything else-Tune it out! Listen to some music that makes you happy, bring a good book, some magazines, anything to occupy your time! GOOD LUCK!

  2. Well of course you are closer (*not more close) to your best friend. That's a no brainer. You are similar in age and have things in common with your friends.

    I think you should try to make the most of this precious time with your grandparents. At least until you are 18 and can make your own decisions when you move out of your parents' house.

    Try to think of other ways to make the trip fun. What are some things you can do that won't cost money, or that much money?

    Go to the beach. Play card games or board games with them. Does she cook? Help with dinner or bake a dessert together. Become interested in their past, or at least try to show interest. Let her tell you some funny stories. Does your grandma have old photo albums you can look at of pictures of her, her siblings, and possibly your mom and her siblings?

    I'm sure they have some good qualities too.

  3. i would stick it out for this last year, and when i turned 16 i would get me a summer job so i didn't have to endure those visits any more.

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