
Getting over negative self-talk!

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In trying to over come negative self talk so i can start thinking more healthy one of my problems is not just reprogramming my thoughts after thay have come, but FIRST IDENTIFYING THE THOUGHTS. Many times I will think negatively and not even realize that those thoughts are self destructive. Any advice in identifying thoughts that are negative self destructive.




  1. Negavity is akin to darkness.  One does not need to bring in darkness.  Darkness always prevail and it is omnipresent - to drive it away you need to lit up the lamp.  So is it the light that has to be brought in.  So negativity naturally exists in its own right - we have to work on it and replace it with positivity.  So it is a natural emotion and you donot brood over it too much as you are not an isolated case.  In trying to eliminating the negativity  you need to replace it with positivity.  By reading motivational and inspirational books you can foster positivity in your mind and develop it.

  2. What you mean is Cognitive Behavioral Treatment.  Using that phrase, google and find some great websites.  Also search "replacing negative thoughts."  I love this one website I found, "Self Help Behavior Modification."  Maybe you can find some more.

    I'm also sending you a link for Lucinda Basset, whose tape series saved my life and whole outlook on life.  I was soooooo stuck in my shell, and listening to her tapes woke me right up.  

    You are the only "you" you're getting. Take care of it and nuture it like it's your only child.

    Write a new script for yourself.  Let's say that you're disorganized.  Write on a sheet of paper, "Honey, it's okay to be organized."  Then write a couple of simple goals:  "On Tuesdays at 7 p.m., I'm going to walk around the house and put up all my shoes."  It's those little changes that will lead to bigger ones.

  3. Keep a diary of all that negative talk and write down any positive thoughts as well. Identify the emotion felt with the negative thought. Identify the distortions and lack of objectivity in your self talk and reframe your perception towards a more positive and objective outlook.

    You're creating your own stress, as negative talk is both a coping mechanism and a stressor itself and a distortion of what's going on.

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