
Getting rid of an unwanted friend?

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There is a girl who goes to my school who thinks she is my friend, but I don't like her at all. She has some kind of social disability (not picking up on social queues) and cries easily, so I don't want her to be totally destroyed, but if I'm not straight-forward enough, she won't get it. She is a really disgusting and repulsive individual (she thinks she's the best at everything and is not self-aware at all) and being associated with her is affecting my social status. How do I tell her how I feel without being really mean, but enough for her not to associate with me?




  1. I have the exact same problem as you do.  I think you need to break it to her some time, because either that or someone else eventually will.  If you want her to leave you now, it's unfortunately going to have to be you.  She sounds like she needs to be taken down a few notches and this is the perfect opportunity.  But yes I know it's mean, but it's got to be done!  Just say I feel that we don't really connect as friends and that you sometimes are a little sensitive whenever I try to tell you something that you need to know that will help us connect better.  

  2. Slowly stop contacting her, calling her, etc. Tell her you're busy, you have to go out, whenever she asks you to hang out. You can also ask 'for more space' and tell her that you two have been seeing a little too much of each other; you can't have too much of a good thing, hehe :)

    After sometime she should get an idea that you don't want to hang out with her! Or else, YOU could act really boring around her. Talk about things she doesn't like. Cry a lot :) She'll get bored of you then.

    Don't be outright mean though. Cheers!

  3. OMG your beinig so rude to her. come on does it really matter what other people say about you to being friends? come on dont ditch her because your worried about your rep. thats just plain mean

  4. God forbid your social status is hurt!

    Don't be so mean.  

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