
Ghetto careers and jobs?

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why cant these young people living in ghettos get jobs to make money instead of selling drugs or stealing?




  1. In order to understand why people do things you first want to observe them. Behind it all everyone have a reason for doing what they do even if its considered bad. Some of these young children were never thought better, and by better I mean they didn't get the help that others got growing up. So to survive the tough life they do what is easier which is stealing, selling drugs, etc..  What they're doing is not right but to them that's part of life. Meanwhile many of these young people are what we can classify as "in too deep" meaning it's hard to go back to doing what's considered right when all their life that's how they have been able to survive. Some of them don't have families and friends to look after them and help them in time of need. These young people are not lost cause but it will take miracle to get them the help they need. And misjudging them is not the answer.

  2. 1st must believe you can,,dreams every body has..

    when your in a ditch ,you need some help getting out..

    most people need a helping hand out,not a dead end agreement plan.

  3. It depends on what you want in life.If your happy with nothing you will always have nothing.If you want more out of life then you will get a job and strive to have something in life.I think their happy with the way their life is.

  4. Well, Bub, while that ONE dummy was out selling whatever it was that he chose to sell that day, There were probably 10 guys in shelters that actually got up and went to work that day. There's always gonna be a few bad seeds in each town, history has proven this time and time again, but for each bad seed there are usually 8 or 10 good seeds, and that's why these funds need to be kept in order for the area shelters.

        Some folks are actually using these programs to re-establish themselves in todays complex society, and I can only hope that the public does not start focusing on what the scumbag television networks want you to see, as they will always look to gain ratings with the "Guy in the Gutter".

    Usually you just have to look around a little to find the "Other Guy" that has used the very same program to get himself a good job.    C'mon, Bro,  don't be a Racist.

  5. Because people like you judge them before you know anything about them.

  6. Wow what an amazingly uninformed generalization.

    Which ghetto are you referring to & which young people are you referring to?

    This is sounding rascist to me....

    I grew up in the "ghetto" as did many of my wildly successful friends...

    Somehow I'm thinking they are all making more money than you'll ever see...

  7. Because they like being stuck.  They've never been taught to want anything more.  They also seem to think they are entitled to some easy ride in life and don't have to work: just take from other people.

  8. Because that is the life style that they grow up in and there in no way to financially or safetly just leave. Would you move from your town without a plan or any money? You have to look at it from their perspective before you assume that all of them are drug dealers. Granted some are but others are so poor they cannot afford to go to more schooling or to leave the city.

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