
Ghost In the Ceiling?

by Guest33246  |  earlier

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When i was little, 3-5 i remember laying in my bed in my room waiting for my dad to come tuck me in, while i waited i remember that i would see a flash of light, and i though i saw diamonds, and then my room would be dark, but i saw a man in my ceiling, his face was made up of the celing. I remember talking to him, and i liked him, he didn't scare me, but one night he asked for a carosel that i liked, it was a little toy that projected an image onto the ceiling, but i said he coulden't have it, cuz it was my favorite, and he got upset, and left, and i never saw him again. Now keep in mind, my house is VERY old, over 100 years, and infront of the Acin Pink creek in NJ, not far from where some of the civil war was fought. So what do you think this thing was, a little boys imagination? To this day i STILL remember it, even though i was very little, and i think he was real, but most people think i was imagining it. To this day, i have not had any other paranormal events. What do you think?




  1. Very few people remember those kinds of things from such a young age, but I, like you, can.  Ah, yes.  I remember sometimes being afraid when I saw dull flashes of light move across my ceiling and walls, and others just stay in place or fade in and out, eerily.  Thank you for reminding me of such an ancient nostalgia.  

       I figured out eventually, (or my parents told me), what they were.  They were lights from outside.  The most dramatic were from car headlights down the street.  Very eerie.  Some were from a street lamp on the other side of a tree.  When the leaves moved, ghostly apparitions danced on my wall.

       Wonderful memory, because I wasn't so much scared by them as I was Barry in Close Encounters.

  2. i am a paranormal investigator so yes I am a believer of the paranormal. The truth here is a mystery that most likely will never be solved. By what you have stated in your post and it being in this short amount of time it could be seen as paranormal or not. The event to you was real and it didn't appear to be malicious or harmful and that's the main thing.

    Could it of been a paranormal phenomena? yes but it could have also been your imagination, a dream or several other things.

    i think it is a cool memory and one that is sure to raise a few eyebrows during a stormy night with friends and family. The great thing about the experience is you have a spooky tale which some will believe and some wont but it is the mystery that will make people listen.

  3. I think you need to stop doing drugs

  4. im too scare to read now i will read this tommorow

  5. It's possible a child's mind is still open at that age.

  6. ah hello!!! ghosts rn't real. it's was probably a demon. no joke

  7. uhmmm it's not a spirit but it's a ghost.. spirits don't become ghosts.. they either become reincarnated or go toheaven/h**l.

    it could possibly be an entity that you've met.. in the form(or shape) of a man. it may want to befriend with you, and it also may want to be a human(specifically kids because it's fun being one, no problems no worries, hakuna matata!!).

    it can also be a figment of your mind... you must have added some infos about yourself.... try psychology... are you lonely when you're still a child? do you have many playmates? do you receive enough attention? does your family name has a record of being "almost crazy"?

  8. I myself belive in ghost.

    Fellow researchers say that there are real ones.

    But there not mean.There sprits.

    People that have passed away a long time ago.

    What you saw might have been real.

    Its just to bad there aren't any ghostbusters ;]

  9. It's quite common for children to have imaginary friends, or humans or animals that they see or talk to - this is a normal part of developing a healthy imagination.  In later life it's also quite common for our memories to confuse images from waking life with images from dreams.  So I would think these are more likely explanations than anything to do with the civil war.

    I remember from my own childhood being disturbed by a piece of plaster on the wall that looked like a face - but it was only a piece of plaster.  Scary at the time, though!

  10. it could be a spirit!!!!!

    there are somethings in this world that we dont understand and never will.

    its ok i've seen some weird things in my life as well

  11. I really can not answer your question but I can tell you a story. A true story. When I was in my 30's we had four kids. The oldest was a girl 15. I liked an album called Tubular Bells. Some of the songs were a little eerie. My step daughter( the 15 yr. old girl). Came out of her room on night and screamed "stop playing that it is making something come into my room." I turned it off and never played that song again because I thought that the song really frightened her. Three days later our dog ran into her room barking and began to actually attack a bedroom wall! Two days after that a large brown spot formed on the wall and began to grow larger. I suspected a water leak but there was not one. I painted the wall and the spot came back. I called in a professional contractor and he had three guys look at our house. They could find no reason for the spot on the wall. The next time I painted the spot i used a substance to kill bacteria and paint. The spot came back. One night the dog woke me barking followed by  a weird yapping noise. I went to the bed room and the dog was on the floor dead. So... Who knows what is really out there or why. P.S.(The 15 yr. old had been sleeping on the couch). So we never new what happened to the dog. At my wife and step daughters request we moved. while the house was empty the was what was refereed to as a mysterious fire. and the house was torn down.

  12. I will venture to give you the most logical explanation, but of course, I was not there, and you cant go back to verify it.

    It sounds to me like you had a sleep paralysis episode. This fits many of the major charactistics that are indicative of this. You were laying on your back, close to sleeping time. You saw a grayish face figure hovering over you. These are all very a-typical of sleep paralysis.

    Although this is not uncommon, most people are not aware of it, until they experience something that freaks them out.

    About 80 percent of the cases of these are negative experiences, however, like you some people report having positive ones.

    This is very common in people with narcilepsy and less so with other sleeping disorders, but also happens to non-narcileptic people from time to time, often during stress or irregular sleeping patterns.  It could have very well been induced by you struggling to stay awake waiting for your father.

    Also, its estimated that at least 1 in 5 people experience this at least once in thier life, however, since studies are entirely based on reported people and people with sleeping disorders there are no accurate numbers.
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