
Ghost in orbit?

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If a ghost haunted an orbiting space station, and the space station fell out of orbit and burned up in re-entry, would the ghost continue orbiting the earth?




  1. That's what Spiderman tried to do with Venom in the Spiderman comic book  

    Well, as long as their is a gravitational pull towards earth, then the ghost should stay in orbit with the earth.

  2. No because a spirit has no boundries.They can go where  they whant.Any time.

  3. if it could pass through stuff but also conform to gravity, yeah.

  4. Great question,it shows you're thinking.My answer is yes,they'd stay in orbit until another space vehicle comes by.If a ghost runs into strange space aliens.I wonder who would be scared of who.

  5. Since most ghosts are associated with tangible objects, like buildings, cars, or other possessions, I will say the ghost would most likely fall to earth.

    It's like if you were to buy an antique.

    But the former (and dead) owner is still attached to it. You might start having strange occurrences happening in your home, or at least with that particular antique.

  6. If ghosts have no mass, they are not subject to gravity. Thus, all ghosts would just drift off into space and we would probably hit them like a meteor shower as the earth orbits the sun. Or they might just drift off into deep space and haunt other worlds......

    Thus, I would assume ghosts have mass, which keeps them here on earth. However, if ghosts had mass......wouldnt they be detectable and recognized by science? We could have ghost jails for ghosts that got out of hand..........

    Afterall if we could know about things like electrons, and even sub-atomic particles, ghosts would be no problem for us.

    To make a long story short.....ooops.

    No, they would burn up with the space station on re-entry.
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