
Ghost stuff :D?

by Guest64287  |  earlier

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I am starting my own ghost hunting team. It's called

Paranormal Investigation Group

(PIG for short)

I have a few questions.

Is that name taken? - if so, can you reccomend some?

How can I make some of my own tools (I'm ten and I want something that I can make easily without having to spend over 5 dollers)

And should I have more than 3 people in here? Is it ok to be a 3 man band in ghost hunting?





  1. PIG, nice.







    BAD PIG!

    them ghost better run.

  2. The closest I see to it is one in New England.

    And I'm including the URL to an article about junior ghost hunters.  Maybe it will have some information you can use.

    Good luck!

  3. PIG is open. Just go to your local Radio Shack. they have everything. I once made a spy satalite, cost me $2.47 remember, Radio Shack.

  4. As far as I know that name isn't taken. I like it.  For equipment if you have a tape recorder, that's a good start, a camera, & 3  people is good, so long as you stay together on your hunts.  No one should be alone.  We just went to a hospital & seperated into pairs of 2.  Good luck,  AND your energy doesn't cost a thing.

  5. Hey Kat

    You got some good ideas here - good luck with the team!

    I think three people is a nice number to start out.

    I have seen alot of folk use Radio Shack for stuff.  You could also try looking at thrift stores - or write to other ghost investigation groups - let them know your age and that you are just starting out...they may donate some of their old equipment to you.  Just an idea - it does not hurt to ask!

    I kinda liked the "UGH" name myself...

  6. Items needed:

         1 digital cam corder

          a tri pod or another stable surface

          several squares of different colored plastic wrap


          baby powder

          and an artist pain brush

          1 red filter for cam corder

    To begin place a square in the area where you suspect a ghost lightly cover entire sheet with baby powder take brush and lightly make a design in powder (ghosts do not leave foot prints but they do fly over the floor) wait over night in the morning check the design if it was disturbed in any way you may have a ghost. Set up another sheet of plastic with powder as before this time use the string and hang up the other sheets of plastic at various angles to the location Next take the cam corder and set it up a safe distance away from the scene Focus on the center of the scene for clarity. next set up the red filter in front of the lens We use red for the filter because ghosts do not reflect red light so therefore we cannot see them by shooting through a red filter it adds red light to things Next get a parent to help you rig a motion sensor set to the highest setting to the on switch of the camera. Go to bed and sleep. Tomorrow you have a big day.

    The next morning take a close look at the powder design Second look at the colored plastic squares and see if any are missaligned or not where you left them. (plastic wrap sticks to there essence and for a ghost to move through the area and the plastic wrap not to be distrubed will not happen) it will be disturbed if a presence has been there. Third check and see how many times your cam corder went on and how much got recorded . Fourth clean up fifth watch the video Don't get scared if you see something out of the ordinary

    Three people are a good number to start with as long as each has their own job to do.


  7. How about Underage Ghost Hunters.... UGH for short!

    :)   Just kidding.

  8. I have no idea if the name is taken, but it sounds good to me. I'm not any good at making tools. What kind of tools do you need for ghost hunting? You might be able to borrow a video camera from someone. Three is proablably a good number to start with. Good Luck
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