
Ghosts/spirits in a house?

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How do tell if there is a presence in a house? No daft answers please. x




  1. Sometimes odd things may occur,things are in different locations,clocks stop. Tv interference noises etc.9 times out of Ten it could be a Relative or friend who has passed over trying to communicate with you or just let you know they are there,If you think you have then you probably have and you will be able to sense whether it is a good vibe or bad.Follow your instincts.Sometimes you might get a smell of say tobbacco or perfume too.It is probably best to see a professional Medium or go along to a spritulist church.Where they will be able to tell you any messages you may have from a relative/Spirit guide etc.Always best to speak with someone who knows what they are talking about though.

  2. Sometimes you can feel it, you can feel the presence. The temperature may drop suddenly, they may move objects or open and close doors of their own accord. There's all sorts of signs, it depends on the type of spirit that it is and whether it wants attention or not. :)

  3. you can actually feel it.. I mean when you step into the house.. you feel uncomfortable in the place.. some people are more sensitive to this things... ..  maybe some parts of the house would be much colder..   you will start to experience strange things.. things moving.. strange noises..

    usually they that at 3 in the morning is where you can actually notice this things more.. I think its suppose to be dead time or something.. if you google it you will find better info.. good luck

  4. they do things like moves objects to let you knwo they are there. && i think you can like feel them around you x

  5. You might hear someone tapping on the window and when you look you don't see anybody. You might feel like someone is looking at you but no one is there. You hear someone call your name and when you ask if anybody call you your family says no. You might feel cold although the house is supposed to be warm. You see shadows moving past quickly. You hear strange noises that cannot be accounted for.  

  6. Well if things like the doors slamming or opening by themselves or things basically happening around the house you do not do then there is a soul/ghost presence whatever you wanna call it about. Get a pychic in if you are that bothered. do not get a phony one though test him/her before you pay.

  7. Depends on what kind of presence. Gasts are just lights, sort of like memories that float around and through things, ghosts are people/animals/PLANTS that have not moved on and you need a lot of them in your house before you notice them unless you have a friend that can see or sense them. Spirits are generally benevolent (nice) and they are sort of just THERE. They don't come from anywhere and were never anything else. (that was looooong)

  8. I suppose asking a question about ghosts is not daft.

    Crazy maybe.

    But not Daft.

  9. Some people have seen red and blue flashing lights in haunted cemeteries. I suggest you consult with a paranormal expert before you jump to any conclusions about whether or not there are ghosts in your house, though.

  10. Do you have any pets or could you borrow some?  Animals will avoid areas with ghosts.

  11. Hollie and Lucy gave you your best answers.... But having a soul you will know that other spirits are present in your home... And cold spots and sometime you lighting act up in a certain area............... But you will know they are there.......................

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