
Giovanna for a Chinese girl name?

by Guest31856  |  earlier

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My friend's having a baby and she's Chinese.

She absolutely love the name Giovanna, but I was wondering if it's going to sound weird on an Asian, you know, to have her English name that sounds Italian.

Any comments?





  1. It will not matter that it is an italian name,it is nice not to copy everyone else and have a name that is different .very nice name.

  2. No not at all.. People in America do it all the time...

  3. i like the name but she might get made fun of because its diffrent you might want to think of a nickname

  4. Sounds lovely. I know a bunch of Asian American girls with American names. It all depends on preference. People should name their children what they love, not depending on their culture or race. Others prefer to carry on heritage and give cultural names whereas some do not. So my answer is no, it's not weird and it does not sound weird for a Chinese girl to have a strong Italian name.

  5. Giovanna isnt a "English name that sounds Italian" its an Italian name and I dont like it

  6. Um, not sure about that name. It's not the ethnicity, just the name. I'd keep looking.

  7. if i had a chinese daughter i'd call her mae foon..

  8. Seriously, people shouldn't not name their baby something they love becuase other people think it won't fit becuase of her race!! Giovanna is beautiful, and if they love it, they should go for it. And preconceptions like these need to be stopped, becuase they're silly. People should be able to name their kids whatever they want, regardless of race. My names Alexandra, and my dad is Bengali and my mum is Bulgarian so technically I am half Asian, although I look Asian and my name is more "english". I love it and everyone else does too.

  9. there is no problem with having a name like that shes chinese american right. so she american there nothing wrong with it. im full blood italian and all of my names for my baby are english i think haha. i think its a beautiful name no matter what nationality the baby is. =] good luck.

  10. I like Giovanna. She can shorten it to Gigi - tell your friend that, she'll get a laugh.

  11. i don't think race and back ground should matter.A name doesn't define the person and would be lovely either way

  12. Giovanna is a very strong Italian name so in my opinion is would be weird. This may sound weird to you though but I once new a girl and she was Asian (not sure exactly were though) and her name was Asia.

    It suited her so much.  

  13. If she's American, it doesn't matter.  We're mostly mutts here anyway.  I have an Italian first name and my maiden name was Russian.  I know have an English last name.  It doesn't matter.

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