
Girl Problem :( Help!

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I' am 16 Y.O and when I use the restroom I saw BLOOD discharge. It was only a little bit. Like PARTS. Like a normal dot... but when I wipe it was only a little blood. I'm not due for my period until the 10th. What's going on?




  1. i think ur periods irregular which is common for gals ur age

  2. sometimes your period can be irregular depending on how long you have been menustrating for. It could be that your period has arrived earlier than usual and sometimes we just don't know why this happens. Are you on any meds? Sometimes this can upset your cycle. What did you feel prior to noticing blood? Did you have cramps or pain? If it doesn't look and feel like a normal period you should visit your doctor or check with your school nurse. Talk to your mum too!

    It sounds like your period but if you are worried by tomorrow then go and talk to someone or tell your mum. If it is unusually heavy blood flow then you definitely should get checked out. If its minimal it will probably be your period.

  3. It could be an early period, because periods can be irregular, and sometimes unexpected!

    But it could also be spotting, which is just a little discharge, which isn't the real thing.

    You shouldn't worry, but if it keeps up, talk to your mom and doctor!

  4. Irregularity happens for about 2 or 3 years after you get your first period. This is obviously your period. Have you changed environments? Like moved or started school? Have you been stressed out? Changes like those can cause your period to be thrown off.

  5. irregular periode or you may ahev had a misscarrige - tell you doctor

  6. sometimes your period can come early or later then the day it should. but dont worry your not sick or anything. its probally a early period most the time it is ok!!! no worries and hope i helped you out!!

    ttyl tweetie

  7. Yeah...Nowdays This Problem Is HAppen To Lot Of Girls...Bcos Of Girls Didnot Take Food At regular times.....So Its Normal One...Dont Scared About that...Try To Excersice Daily....N Eat Some Dates!
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