
Girl Scout Camp Cheers!!!?

by  |  earlier

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Tomorrow is the last day of my Girl Scout Day Camp. To tie the camp all together, there is a competition for a ''SPIRIT STICK.'' The spirit stick is a stick you recieve for your team having the most spirit! So, I need an awesome cheer for 1st-2nd grade girls! Please answer ASAP!!





    Everywhere we go

    Everywhere we go

    People want to know

    People want to know

    Who we are

    Who we are

    So we tell them

    So we tell them

    We are the Brownies!

    We are the Brownies!

    The mighty mighty Brownies

    The mighty mighty Brownies

    OO AHH AHH OO AHH AHH Lets go brownies!

    What ya think?

    and you could put the girls in two lines,

    and the first row starts standing up and the 2 line starts leaning over, and they switch off.

    Does that make sense?

    This one should be easy cause they should already know the song. Best Answer?

  2. EDIT: OK, I first had something else up (if you want to know what it was, let me know) and submitted it, but I just came up with this and I like it better-

    Today is the last day

    We wish that we could stay

    We had a blast

    Wish camp would last

    But we have to go away.

    Wondering where the time went

    Memories we'll never forget

    We have to go

    Wish it wasn't so

    Come back next year? You bet!

  3. Here's one, you can modify a few things to make it work for you.....

    West High Vikings Dominate, that's right!

    No one can stop the Green, Gold and white.

    Beware, Our team will rise to the top!

    Viking perfection, Non-Stop!

    West High Vikings, right before your eye!

    Imagine the best, yes it's us, no surprise!

    Fighting for a victory, the Green and Gold.

    The West High Legend is about to unfold.

    Viking fans let's hear it.  Your yelling for the best!

    Get up! Stand up! Yell Go W-H-S!

    Go A-H-S! Go A-H-S! Go W-H-S!

    Green, Say it again, Green! Let's Go!

    Gold, say it Again, Gold! Let's go!

    White, Say it Again, White! Let's go!

    Green, Godl and White, Vikings let's go!

    West High School will dominate, Just Wait!

    WHS,  Two-thousand Eight!

  4. Like what type of cheer?

    How about

    Leader-Hey every one listen up this cheer going getting the crowd rawering

    Kids- Hey Hey..Hey Hey Hey

    We went through camp and learn new things

    to bad we have to go..........

    we all will come bakc next year so dont you worry

    about us. We hiked we cooked we learned.....

    when girl scouts help others we become a big part of makin this world a better place

    We just hope that by the end of tonight every one

    will come bakc and join us next year for a great time

    GOOOOOOOOOOOOO girl scouts

    haha i think you guys hike and cook right?

    well that was sad but ohhh well :-)

  5. idk but i was a brownie....... like, 4 yrs ago. i'm a cadette now. tell them to have fun and to not drop out because they'll miss out on all the fun.

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