
Girl help?

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alright i may have lead this girl into thinking i like her but really i was just being myself and being nice to her.. to make a long story short. this girl i am talking about is my sisters friend, she is sorta cute but not really my type. i helped her family put up a pool one day and i guess she started liking me. and she gave me her number. i mean i thought of it as making a new friend. she has been texting me alot and i would joke with her about being short and just plain out pickin with her cuz thats how i am. now she has invited me to go swimming with her by ourselves. She constantly wants me to come see her and stuff. I think her mom had something to do with this too.. What do i do?? I would only like to be good friends and nothing more. what do i do just to make her see that without telling her i dont like her like that.. I hate rejecting people because i know how bad it feels..




  1. Your best bet!! Tell her that you think she is a great girl but you have a rule to never date your sisters friends cause it can get too sticky. You think she honestly is really cool and would like to be her friend though no hard feelings.

    Easy 10 pts

    Oh by the way run this by your sis so she doesn't say something stupid!!

  2. Wow you lead her on. But she has the courage to ask you over! So you should just go over and talkand say how you like being her friend, but try to make it clear your just friends. But don't be so harsh about it be suddle. That's if you still want to let her down...

  3. Just tell her as nice as possible. Be upfront with her and make her see that being friends is all you want. Its better to have you as a friend than not at all... good luck!

  4. go see her one of these times see what happens if she tries something tell her you dont think its right

  5. bang the pool....and then tell her you just wanna be friends...wuuuuut it eeeez mane!

  6. Well, I think as long as you don't flirt with this girl or lead her on in any way, it is acceptable to continue hanging out with her.  It's not like you're setting her up for heartache, because you never misled her in any way.  Perhaps she just really likes you as a friend and also has no interest in you.  If you find out she does like you, take it as a compliment and move on.  As long as you still have fun hanging out with her, there should be no problem.

  7. id say just do her and see if you like it or not and then go from there

  8. be honest and tell her exactly how you feel about her: you like her as a friend and nothing more.  DO NOT kiss her, sleep with her or play with her emotions or you will be in a worse situation!
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