
Girls? Boys?

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Does anyone have experience raising both? Which seems like more of a challenge?




  1. I have two boys and two girls.  It's tough to say which group is "more challenging".  All four kids have been a challenge, but they've all been different challenges.

  2. To me, it's not a matter of gender.  I have one of each, and both of them come with certain challenges for us.

  3. i have two boys and a girl. I have taken each child and treated them as their own. My two boys are like night and day, and my little girl is totally different then the other two. I think too much people go into it thinking "oh boys are easy or girls are so much harder" but go into it knowing each child is different whether boy or girl and enjoy each of their unique qualities.

    With ALL that said i can say this, Little girls squeal way higher pitched than little boys...LOL

  4. I'm a girl and I have to say that I'm much more difficult now that I'm a teen LOL. I think that I would much prefer a boy because they don't have that present EVRY MONTH LOL

  5. I think they both have the ups and downs.  I have one of each there are some things that are easier with a boy and some with a girl.

  6. girls can be hard but its worth it,they fight some times but in the end they cvan be good friends

  7. my daughters are more trouble then my son

  8. That's a tough one.  As babies I think my daughter was easier, she slept, ate and was just generally very happy.  My son was tricker as he was a much fussier baby.  As they get older though I think girls are harder because they seem to require so much more reassurance and direction.  Boys are kind of rough and tumble and my son lets everything roll off his back.  My daughter on the other hand is a drama queen and will have a fit at the drop of a hat.

  9. girls

  10. Boys are harder when they are little.

    Girls are harder when they are older.

  11. They say that girls get harder with time.

  12. Every time I watch little (toddler) boys play, I want to jump out of my seat constantly to go catch them from falling off something or running into others - they're so rough.  Girls are not really like that when they are younger.  I think as they age into teenagers, the girls take a turn and are more dramatic and moody.  Boys brush things off.

  13. I only have 2 girls, but my doctor who had been my doctor for years said "boys are harder when they are younger, but girls are much harder when they are older".
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