
Girls: I need your help!?

by Guest57719  |  earlier

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Hey ladies, I'm getting married next spring and it'll b my first time with s*x. Does it really hurt as bad as they all say it does? And if so, is there a way to make it hurt less? Any advice would b greatly appreciated. Thanks so much :)




  1. It never hurt me!  Ithink it will probably hurt if you are dry like a bone, so just do foreplay, let him excite you and  you'll get wet, once you're wet it will slip in easy and you can tell him to be gentle with you and it will be very sweet for you.

  2. My first time didn't hurt at all, I was suprized. Just remember to relax, have fun, and make sure there's plenty of lubrication (the friction is what causes a lot of the pain). Maybe have him use his fingers to massage you open first too. That'll help.

    Have fun and congrats!

  3. congrats on abstaining and getting married!  I'm proud of you!  You are a strong person and I wish you happiness in your marriage.

    Some kinds of pain actually feel good when you're sexually excited and that can be one of them.  The excitement gets you through  a lot.

    Also, it doesn't really hurt that much unless he is HUGE, and most men are not.  You're thinking too much about the pain. Think more about how great it will feel to become one flesh.

  4. s*x can really hurt the first time if your hymen is still intact. However, these days as active as we all are with sports and life in general, your hymen generally breaks itself over time. You sound like you are at least out of high school, so I would really doubt that you have an intact hymen. So don't worry about that. Also, for this reason, don't expect a lot of bleeding, just maybe a little.

    The other problem is dryness. If you are very dry, it will be difficult for your husband to get inside. This is generally not "painful" but more "uncomfortable". There are ways around this. First is foreplay, which will get you in the mood, then you will naturally lubricate yourself. Second is additional lubrication. Spit is nature's lubrication, but if that grosses you out, you can buy some from your drug store. KY is a top go-to brand. You would just slather it onto you and your husband's nether regions.

    Really, don't be scared...there really isn't any reason to be. And it is counterproductive. Fear will clam you up and make you dry. Just try to stay in the moment and enjoy each step as it comes. Don't focus on the end goal, but on enjoying the current moment.

  5. KY jelly

  6. Congratulations on waiting! Everybody is different so it might be uncomfortable or it might not. Don't stress too much about it. If he loves you as he should he will be a patient and slow lover and he will take it at your pace. Use lubricant. It will be wonderful experience and even if the first time is a little awkward it will get better and better. Best of luck to you.  

  7. should be very proud of yourself...I hope your future husband appreciates what he's getting...To be honest with you, I think "pain" isn't the correct word...its more like "pressure".  It will not "hurt" you, it may be uncomfortable, but you and your husband will take things slow, and enjoy each other...focus on the fact that you and your husband will become one soul on your wedding night, and you will be just fine...oh-don't forget the KY Jelly!!  Best of Luck and God Bless You both!!

  8. My first time did not hurt and it is different for everyone. So you may not hurt either. A lot depends on size on your end and his end. Personal lube helps some, relax and don't tense up and take an easy, work on it slow, if possible you will have the rest of your lives to try everything out.

  9. it does hurt, but you also enjoy it too! no there is not any way to make it hurt less

  10. Congratulations!!  It does hurt the first time, but its not unbearable pain.  More like discomfort.  Use a vaginal lubricant, it'll make it easier.

  11. I am a virgin too so I cant really help you with this question but...


    I'm trying to get to where your at, but its really, really, really hard.

    Congratulations on getting married.

    Wish I could have helped, but I'm sure you'll get alot of good answers.

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