
Girls anwser only!?

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Ok so I am on my period it started last night i have bad cramps so i want to take some Midol, but im not sure if i should sense my husband and i are going to try to have a baby today if i take Midol will it affect my chances of getting pregnant today?




  1. Ok people ubove me ....YAH YOU CAN GET PREGGERS ON UR PERIOD ...geez people read a health book .

    And for the questioner ...Hope you suceed !

  2. You can't get pregnant while you are on your period.

  3. Midol won't affect your chances of getting pregnant, although once you do get pregnant you should stop taking it as meds aren't good for the unborn baby. (Only tylenol is ok.) But... you're not going to get pregnant today. You ovulate 14 days before you get your period, and that's the only time you'll get pregnant. So figure out when you expect your next period, and try 2 - 3 weeks before that. Sperm can live in you for 3 - 5 days, so I'd start trying about 18 or 19 days before your period, and then just do it a lot for a week or so. That's what's worked for me! Good luck!

  4. while it is possible to get pregnant on your period...its not as likely.  the sperm have to try and swim against a downward flow and its just a big old mess.  I would wait a few days umless you know your ovulate like day 3 or 4 of your cycle.  as for the wont hurt your chances though when I'm ttc I wont take anything...I keep my body free of anything but vitamins.

  5. i would wait til after you period to start trying for a baby. I've never heard of people getting pregnant while they are on their period

  6. eew... cant you wait a few days??

    i didnt think you could get pregnant while on a period.. but idono..

  7. u can get preg after ur period ,anyway it doesnt effect

  8. you are going to try and get pregnant on your period?  that is not how it works.  you need to start testing with an ovulation kit and when you hit your surge then you should have s*x to up your chances.  but your period is getting rid of all the unused stuff and it will kill the sperm.  you should read taking charge of your fertility by  Toni Weschler

  9. If you have your period today, you can't get pregnant today.  Take the Midol.  Buy the book "Taking Charge of Your Fertility" by Toni Weschler so you can learn your cycles and know when you are ovulating.
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