
Girls only please!! help?!?

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Okay this is gross so no rude remarks. For the past few days i've noticed like p**p stains in my underwear. At first i thought i pooped my pants but it has been happening for the past few days so i know i'm not pooping in my pants. The color is exactly like p**p and it really looks like i **** my pants. lol but i know i didn't. i haven't been bleeding so i dont think its my period. btw i have not gotten my period yet. please help?? i'm scared that i have a disease or somthing




  1. Easy to answer; you got your period for the first time.

  2. Wow i really dont know!! Do the marks smell like poo??? I would think that it was maybe your period or discharge coming from your v****a.. I think you should go tot the docter to be sure.. Its better for you to be safe than sorry..  

  3. your period, be expecting it within the next 3 days

  4. Ah, the symptoms you described would indicate spotting.  this occurs for a number of reasons.......the blood turns brownish when it is exposed to oxygen...oxidation takes place. You could use some panty liners to help keep you undies cleaner,  A store/generic brand will help you save money, and are  as good as the name brands. If this continues, you should mention it to your doctor, not an emergency, unless you are pregnant,  Hope this helps you out!!

  5. no no no, you do not have a diesies!

    you are about to start your period,

    don be scared, its natural

  6. well if you haven't gotten your period yet,

    then i can tell you, you just started because when you first have your period it can be brown

  7. its most likely just spotting, you might just be starting your period its perfectly normal.

  8. Sometimes early menstration fluids are a dark or rusty brown, and sometimes thicker. This is normal and nothing to be worried about. Unless you have pre-existing bowel problems, it is unlikely you popped yourself without knowing.

    If it continues to worry you, see a doctor about it.

  9. You could just be spotting. That usually happens during PMS.  

  10. I know you say that you haven't got your period yet, but that's what those stains are: blood.   It gets brown if it takes a while to come out of your v****a after it leaves your uterus, and if you soak those stained underwear in (use only cold!) water, you'll find that all that brown stuff turns the water red.

    Congratulations, Kaylee... you're having your first period.   :-)

  11. Yup, U r starting Ur period. Mine was brown the first month I started. Wasn't really like blood at all. Dark Brown. I didn't know what it was until my mom told me. U will probly start having normal periods in a few mos. Good luck Hunny!!! Just stock up on midol an u'll be alright!!! Welcome to ur womanhood!! LOL

  12. It's normal. It's called spotting and it is old blood. Just get some panty liners that should help. We all get it!

  13. Maybe you need to wipe better and use a baby wipe after you go

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